Japan banning isps of file sharers!? No more RAWs!?

The same month the 2nd season of Code Geass airs, the only series I've been interested in watching weekly since the end of Death Note, this had to happen? :/
This won't affect many fansubbers due to the fact that they don't pick up their RAWs from Japanese P2P network. They have their own "guy" that'll do all the dirty work and send it over some over way to the other people to sub it and such. So.. Sadly, I don't see anything changing.

For the lesser groups.. Hahaha, Gutted.
Jayme said:
This won't affect many fansubbers due to the fact that they don't pick up their RAWs from Japanese P2P network. They have their own "guy" that'll do all the dirty work and send it over some over way to the other people to sub it and such. So.. Sadly, I don't see anything changing.

For the lesser groups.. Hahaha, Gutted.

The majority of fansubbers use Japanese p2p networks.

With the exception of a few possibly (I know DB had a message up asking for someone in Japan to set up a dedicated box for them), I don't think this will get everyone, but it's certainly going to have a large impact.
Code Geass... ;___;

Not being in the know on this subject, does PeerGuardian truly make you invisible when using torrents? I've started using it just in case the UK ISPs decide to quickly follow what the Japanese are doing.
tbf there are more fansubs than raws out there anyway, generally about 5 different groups to 1 raw. And alot wait till the DVD rips are out, so it would be eaiser to just export the DVD
Ryo Chan said:
tbf there are more fansubs than raws out there anyway, generally about 5 different groups to 1 raw. And alot wait till the DVD rips are out, so it would be eaiser to just export the DVD
Raws are needed to make fansubs. No raw; no fansub.
Maxon said:
Ryo Chan said:
tbf there are more fansubs than raws out there anyway, generally about 5 different groups to 1 raw. And alot wait till the DVD rips are out, so it would be eaiser to just export the DVD
Raws are needed to make fansubs. No raw; no fansub.

and as i said before, Raws are easy to make even without the internet

just buy a Dvd (or rent) use some dvd copying software and bobs your uncle

at the most it would cost £4 to rent a dvd, rip it, and mail it off to someone.

This is what i mean when i say trying to stop illegal downloads won't work, for every bridge companies burn, another 3 pop up.

When Napster was closed, it was surpost to be the end of the music sharing era.

5 years on, it's stronger than ever
and even if they managed to stop file sharing, I strongly believe that their sales would Drop rather than raise.

Most people don't buy DVD's out of curiosity. In a certain way, fansubs and etc help promote. And after all, those who don't buy, wouldn't buy even if its the only way to get it. They would probably wait to borrow from someone or maybe rent.

While I may believe that file sharing has some impact on music, I don't believe it has any impact on video.
In a certain way, fansubs and etc help promote.

Maybe so, if you end up buying the series that is. What about the people who sample via fansubs but don't buy the DVDs after? All you're doing is taking away sales that the anime companies would make. Even if you only bought the first volume as a way to sample the series, the companies would still make a profit, and if everyone did it profits would soar (even if you got it dead cheap).

Sadly, though, fansubs are probably here to stay, unless someone enforces an insane and harsh rule to stop them.
ryuzaki said:
In a certain way, fansubs and etc help promote.

Maybe so, if you end up buying the series that is. What about the people who sample via fansubs but don't buy the DVDs after? All you're doing is taking away sales that the anime companies would make.
No, sales are only actually lost if watching a fansub means that someone won't go out and buy the DVD when they would have done otherwise. If someone watches a fansub and wouldn't pay and cash for it in any case there's zero impact. And of course there's no way to know what proportion of fansubs actually result in a loss, a gain or no effect...

...that aside, I'm surprised that something like this hasn't happened before. It'll be interesting to see what the result will be.
ryuzaki said:
In a certain way, fansubs and etc help promote.

Maybe so, if you end up buying the series that is. What about the people who sample via fansubs but don't buy the DVDs after? All you're doing is taking away sales that the anime companies would make. Even if you only bought the first volume as a way to sample the series, the companies would still make a profit, and if everyone did it profits would soar (even if you got it dead cheap).

Do you really know people who buy movies they do not like? I mean, with the exception of those that comes with the newspaper?
Most anime series are TV shows, so they do originally air free for sampling there.

People would borrow, rent, but never buy. And even rent, it would not be i their priority list...

And with Hollywood announcing record profits last year, I really can't see how file sharing hurts anime, movies and tv shows.
Leaving aside the ethics of fansubbing, if this is - as the article says it is - similar to the proposals in France and the UK then it might not work. Or at least that's what someone on Radio 4 said, so it must be true . . .
It's a drastic change to say the least! Though I can't see fansubs disappearing so easily. There is no sure fire system for stopping this kind of thing, some people will keep distributing raws regardless of the increased risk.
If someone watches a fansub and wouldn't pay and cash for it in any case there's zero impact.

The companies would still gain something if sampling had to be done via volume 1, even if the person buying wouldn't finish the series because he/she didn't like it. The only reason they'd decide to not buy it is if they saw the anime on the internet first and, after watching it, decided to not buy it. If someone planned to buy volume 1 regardless, unaware if said person would like the series, then the company would make money. If fansubs got in the way, the company wouldn't have made money from that person.

The only way companies could fight this is if they had the first 2 episodes or so on their site so you can sample it without being illegal. Its a much better idea, but they'd have to be snappy about it (get it uploaded as soon as possible).
ryuzaki said:
The only way companies could fight this is if they had the first 2 episodes or so on their site so you can sample it without being illegal. Its a much better idea, but they'd have to be snappy about it (get it uploaded as soon as possible).

Amazon is trying that in US...