January 2007 top anime keywords

Lupus Inu said:
When he gets drunk and fights Kimimaro late in the series before Shippuden. Only time, ever.
You forgot when he fights Gaara in the Chunin exam. Best fight ever! *squeals like a fangirl* Meh, I'm a Rock Lee fan anyway so I'm biased. (But Guy Sensei is the best!)

Fist of the North Star still pwns all though...
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Lupus Inu said:
Paul meant most of the music playing during the episode takes place not just the opening and ending. =/

And the soundtrack in the Series was cool enough, especially in scenes like when Uryuu reveals he is a quincie and Ichigo getting knocked back by Renji in the wall in the soul society Arc, and he comes out insulting him.

Ahem, Ichigo, Renji, Ishiin and Kenpachi (i just like Kenpachi ruuning ordeal) rocks!!!