Its my Bithday !


Yay its my birthday today.

To be honest i wasnt really looking forward to it as ive had a much depressing week but im making an effort to smile today
so far ive only got presents from my friends:
- My chemical romance: three cheers album
- some lovely gothic gloves
-Fullmetal Alchemist manga!. bless my friend she hates anime but bought me this and i was so surprised !(its volume 10 and ive only ever seen the anime so it is very confusing but hey ^_^)

so i guess discuss;
- whens your bday ?
-what do you want ?
Let me be the first to say Happy birthday :D

Birthday in January 24th

I pretty much just get money for my birthdays and I prefr it that way
Happy Birthday!

Mine is a week from this Sunday...I already know pretty much everything I've got, since I chose/bought most of it myself. -_-
Happy Birthday!
Mine is December 22nd, not sure what I want really.
A Bass guitar would be nice but that won't be happening >_<
>>Xel<< said:
Happy Birthday!
Mine is December 22nd, not sure what I want really.
A Bass guitar would be nice but that won't be happening >_<

You just reminded me how much I want to listen to Cliff Burton's 'Pulling Teeth'.

Welcome to the forums, by the way.
Happy Birthday!!!

Mine is 2nd March (You better remember it!).

This years birthday was incredibly depressing for me, and like no one knew it was my birthday either; so i didn't really bother telling anyone. :'(.

Next year; hoping for a complete series' of something, dunno what as of yet though.
Happy Birthday. : D

My birthday is August 29th, I personally don't want anything... except maybe the Super Smash Brothers Brawl release date, that'd be nice!
Happy Birthday Dude

I'm 26 on the 10th August so only a month-ish to go now

Hopefully getting money towards a new PC and a few dvd's
Happy Birthday albeit a little late!

My birthday was back on Febuary 8th, when i turned 18, so just a while till 19 now.
A late Happy Birthday from me :D ,

my B day was last week on the 20th, i didnt mention it or really do anything for it, i went out on the day, but mostly just slept while at the pub (still recovering from the weekend LOL) 8)