Is the UK DVD/Blu Ray release of Summer Wars dubtitled?

Invisible Crane

Summer Wars I've wanted to get for a while now but I've heard it's dubtitled which is a major turn off for me (plus I thought Manga UK moved away from those after the DVD release of Millenium Actress a long time ago)

To put it simply are the subtitles for the Japanese track accurate to that version or are they just for the dubbed version
Summer Wars got translated English subtitles, not dubtitles...

Dubtitles are extremely rare now. There are occasions like Samurai Girls, where the dub is such a close translation of the Japanese dialogue, that the subtitles initially look like dubtitles, then you see a few differences creep in. Usually the difference is obvious though. In fact the only title in recent times that has had dubtitles is Tekken Blood Vengeance.