Is she, the ultimate weapon any good, I want it


Stand User
Hey, has anyone watch she, the ultimate weapon. I'm really a fan of romance and hoping to know how good she, the ultimate weapon really is and is it worth buying. If anyone can tell me will be great, i olny 14, so i never use my money on stuff that i'm worried that is crap and i can't rent it because blockbuster in bradford don't put animes on rent except for stuff like ghost in the shell and final fantasy 7: advent children. So, please give me advice.
I know this sounds rather crude, but from what I've seen it looks like a Gunslinger Girl ripoff. That's a good thing for those who want something like Gunslinger Girl, and a bad thing for those who have seen Gunslinger Girl. Double-edged sword, I guess.
I hardly call myself an anime expert so I can't say yes or no without being wrong. But as far as I know, GSG was made before it. I could be wrong though, so don't count on my word.
I only read the first vol. of the manga, but I was rather disappointed with it. The relationship between the two characters is forced to the point where they literally plan on falling in love, as opposed to actually having feelings for each other, and main cast barely felt worth caring about. Of course, the anime could be different, so take this with a grain of salt. ;)

Oh and [IMO] Gunslinger Girl rocks - but only if you dig low-key, character-driven anime with a dark, unsettling undertone (i.e. using young girls as assassins) and lite politics. 8)
True, GSG is not really for those looking for action. The action is just something that happens every now and then. Gunslinger Girl is focussed on the relationship between each girl and their handler, everything else just takes a back-seat really.
Aside from a few stylistic similarities Saikano and Gunslinger Girl couldn't be more different - calling it a 'rip off' is way, way off the mark, for starters the Saikano manga predates Gunslinger Girl by a good two years. As for the quality of the series itself, well I can't recommend it enough, plenty of angst, romance and drama built around a solid core of characterisation and mature storytelling. It isn't the easiest of series to watch at times, but if you're willing to stick with it I guarantee you won't be disappointed.
A compelling and often heart-wrenching tale that skilfully mixes the usual trials and tribulations of teenage life with its own unique twist, Saikano offers a strong opening instalment that is hard to fault. Admittedly it’s not entirely clear what direction the series will take from here, but if these first four episodes are anything to go by, it’s bound to be an interesting ride.

That's from Jo Sarsam's review, and she suffers no fools :) ... review=325

Saikano sounds like a winner to me.
As far as I've seen, the series hasn't been getting that many great reviews either. I may pick it up after I'm done with my current series' since alot of people are telling me it's alot like Gunslinger Girl. Seeing as Gunslinger Girl was so short, maybe this could expand my experience a little more.
i watch this seire ages ago when it was first fansubed (oh and it came out in 2002 where Gunslinger Girl came out in 2003
so you cant call it a rip off.

This seire gets so much better after the frist few eps. tho you dont really care for the characters to begin with they really grow on you as the seire gose along and you see what happens to them (which mostly make you cry) this seire is one of the only anime siere thats very made you feel sad and drepressed (in a good way).
you may think that but the two seire are nothing a like. i think i like she the Saikano better then Gunslinger girls. i didnt like the way GSG didnt really finsh but Saikano finshes and it has a great end.
Find it a little irriating that if one show came after another it must have 'ripped off' the other. Why can't a show be influenced by another show with out it being a rip off?
On topic not seen either, not keen on seeing GSG, looks too sad (don't like shows that want to make me slit my wrists), but She looks interesting. A non-harem anime love story.
hopeful_monster said:
On topic not seen either, not keen on seeing GSG, looks too sad (don't like shows that want to make me slit my wrists), but She looks interesting.

Uh, in that case I'd stay away from Saikano (or She, the Ultimate Weapon, whatever), as it's considered to be one of the most depressing anime series ever made.

keyblade_master uk said:
Hey, has anyone watch she, the ultimate weapon. I'm really a fan of romance and hoping to know how good she, the ultimate weapon really is and is it worth buying.

Considering you said you're a fan of romance you should probably go for it as it's one of the best serious love stories in anime. Judging by the manga at least, and I don't think there are too many differences.
They both came form independent manga works. Neither are original anime productions. The manga for Saikano dates from 2000 and the manga for gunslinger girl dates from 2002.

Having watched both and read GSG, I can say that the two share very little, besides having a sci-fi/cybernetic theme, and having deadly female leads. And thats practically an anime cliche or even genre convention.
Hopeful, it's the same in videogames. Look at all the GTA rip-offs people are forced to put up with. Can you call those "influenced" games? I'd rather just call them rip-offs personally.

Valha, the reason GSG doesn't "Finish" is because of the fact that it's not one long story. The series just takes a few episodes to explain the story of each girl, the girls are still alive and that is why there is no ending, because there was no beginning to be an end in the first place. They just focus on each girl, show her relationship between herself and the handler, how she got into the Social Welfare Agency and how her life is there etc.
hopeful_monster said:
Ramadahl said:
Uh, in that case I'd stay away from Saikano (or She, the Ultimate Weapon, whatever), as it's considered to be one of the most depressing anime series ever made.
Thought that was Grave of the Firefly's

Grave Of The Firelies is depressing, but Saikano is indeed ranked up there with it on the depression scale.