Iron Man 2


Za Warudo
Who's psyched for this? The main thing that strikes me as odd is that this is the first time in a few years with only one mainstream comic book movie. THere's plenty of lesser known titles coming out like The Losers and Kick-ass, but no other big names.

Anyways, loved the first, this one looks awesome too. Can't wait.
I am. I loved the 1st movie, so I hope they keep the momentum. Plus, I'm not that well informed in the Ironman stories, so a new baddie on the way is indeed something to get psyched up for.

Definately a must-see for me.
I loved the first one but I'm doubtful that this can create the lightning in the bottle that the first one was. The trailer definitetely didn't wow me, though I'm keeping some interest and I'll probably be there on opening day to see how it all plays out.

/is more excited for Thor, Spidey and Supes movie.
I think the first one was such a big hit because not many people was expecting it to be one particularly. Iron Man isn't (or rather wasn't) and A list hero until the movie and that coupled with RDJ's general awesomeness was a winning combination.

I have to agree the trailer wasn't especially fantastic (War Machine aside *squee*) but I don't think the first movie's trailer was particulary good either, so I'll wait and see =3. Most comic book number 2 movies are usually better than the first (Spidey, X-men, Blade, Hulk sorta, Fantastic Four), it's just the threequels you need to watch for =P.

I'm not particularly excited about any of the ones you mentioned Jayme. I mean I wanna see them all of course, but Thor isn't a character who particularly thrills me except as part of the Avengers, though I'm more interested in Thor than Captain America, who I think is a rather dull hero personally.

I just want them to be done so we get to see the Avengers =3
Sparrowsabre7 said:
I think the first one was such a big hit because not many people was expecting it to be one particularly. Iron Man isn't (or rather wasn't) and A list hero until the movie and that coupled with RDJ's general awesomeness was a winning combination.

I have to agree the trailer wasn't especially fantastic (War Machine aside *squee*) but I don't think the first movie's trailer was particulary good either, so I'll wait and see =3. Most comic book number 2 movies are usually better than the first (Spidey, X-men, Blade, Hulk sorta, Fantastic Four), it's just the threequels you need to watch for =P.

I'm not particularly excited about any of the ones you mentioned Jayme. I mean I wanna see them all of course, but Thor isn't a character who particularly thrills me except as part of the Avengers, though I'm more interested in Thor than Captain America, who I think is a rather dull hero personally.

I just want them to be done so we get to see the Avengers =3

pretty sure the avengers comes after Iron man 2, then Iron man 3 is next
I've heard Avengers essentially is going to be Iron Man 3.

And I never mentioned Iron Man I'm not sure what you're saying =S I meant I want them to be done with Thor, and Cap to get to Avengers as those two filmsare being released first.
Character-wise, Sparrow, I'm indifferent to most of them, I'm looking at who's involved and their production more than anything. Supes.. excuse me, The Man Of Steel is part of the Nolanverse, which makes me a bit excited and should be great. They are not making it a origin, so again, that should be a pretty epic film. I wouldn't be terribly surprised if there's a few mentions of a superpowered guy in Metropolis in Batman 3. Green Lantern has me excited. Or well, had me excited. Until the casting... I can handle Ryan Reynolds but Blake Lively is awful. Granted, I only know her from Gossip Girl and she's not a big part of the character but... is that be best you could do, Hollywood, seriously?

... Why am I talking DC? Captain America might be great - it might be awful. His story has been messed around with quite a bit apparently, but some parts sound good. I don't particularly want John Krasinski to play the Captain but I suppose he could have some decent acting chops, if he gets picked, that is. Thor interests me more because of how excited the people involved seem to be. They seem to know what they are doing, which is especially good considering how potentially awful a Thor film could be. Avengers will be okay, but I think they will probably try to hard to give everyone a storyline and it'll turn into a bit of a horrible mess. Hopefully it won't be and it'll flow nicely with Nick Fury turning up in pretty much every Marvel movie from now on. Speaking off, is there an The Wasp movie in production? Ant Man in in pre-production, iirc.
Sparrowsabre7 said:
I've heard Avengers essentially is going to be Iron Man 3.

And I never mentioned Iron Man I'm not sure what you're saying =S I meant I want them to be done with Thor, and Cap to get to Avengers as those two filmsare being released first.

no, i'm saying there's an iron man 3

based on when Iron man leaves the avengers, then theres avengers 2

this is what's planned though, as spiderman shows, plans don't always go............ to plan
I plan to see this, hoping it does as well as the original, although to be frank both fantastic four movies suffered. The first spidey and xmen films weren't too bad but they quickly go downhill. Also the Hulk remake has been one of the best comic book movies of all time, I would love to see Edward Norton return if they did a second one. An earlier avengers movie plot i can remember was Thor, Iron Man, Captain America (and others whose name escapes me) had to take down a rampaging hulk.

Love to see the Thor movie mind.

See I still think Marvel need to get the film licenses back for all their stuff, so they can intergrate them into their current film universe, I mean imagine a Secret Wars movie done right.
Ryo Chan said:
Sparrowsabre7 said:
I've heard Avengers essentially is going to be Iron Man 3.

And I never mentioned Iron Man I'm not sure what you're saying =S I meant I want them to be done with Thor, and Cap to get to Avengers as those two filmsare being released first.

no, i'm saying there's an iron man 3

based on when Iron man leaves the avengers, then theres avengers 2

this is what's planned though, as spiderman shows, plans don't always go............ to plan

Ah ok, well I don't know that that's set it stone. We're talking a good way off.

and Jayme, I know what you mean. I think Thor has a lot of talent behind it, Branagh, Hopkins, Idris Elba (Stringer Bell ftw!) so it should be ok.

As for Man of Steel, one can only hope it's good, but I'm sure Nolan knows that the grounded, realistic approach won't work as well for supes as it did for bats. But we don't know for sure it'll be part of the batman nolanverse.

Just cause Nolan's got some creative input (I forget what role he's in) doesn't mean the two series will be linked, in fact I hope they don't. I've always thought Superman's insane power undermines Batman. In a world where they both exist it's like: "Why can't superman just save everyone?" and he doesn't exactly fit well into the gritty world of TDK.

That said a Dark Knight Returns homage would be GODLY.
I loved the first film but for me it was down to Robert Downey Jrs preformance. I think if it had been a lesser actor, the movie could have been a flop. Instead it was one the best of 2008. I am looking forward to the sequal, but like Jamie I will play caution to the wind and go by ear. I have a feeling this one may be over hyped. I hope to god it isn't like.
Voddas said:
I loved the first film but for me it was down to Robert Downey Jrs preformance. I think if it had been a lesser actor, the movie could have been a flop. Instead it was one the best of 2008. I am looking forward to the sequal, but like Jamie I will play caution to the wind and go by ear. I have a feeling this one may be over hyped. I hope to god it isn't like.

Agreed. RDJ made Iron Man something most comic bookk films aren't; as much fun outside costume as in.
The reviews are pouring in and I'm really unsure about where I'm going to side with this film. I'm hearing about there being too much CGI and not enough focus (that's what you get from an improv film), but then you have some really positive reviews of Downey's performance and a genuinely interesting story. I usually have a similar opinion to that of Harry from Ain'tItCool and he loved it so hopefully I will as well. I think, basically, from a lot of the reviews (and tweets!) is that its a great film but doesn't really surpass the first.

Review to make you sad: The Hollywood Reporter
Reviews to make you happy: AICN and Variety.

Gonna see it Thursday, hopefully.
I'm going on friday with my vaguely communist Iron Man shirt ... oduct.html

Also HR review loses points for being a moron and saying Sam Rockwell is a russian inventor. Jesus Christ, pay attention. Though it makes it unintentionally hilarious it seems Rockwell is merely a "crazed" russian inventor, while Rourke is a "demented" russian inventor. Did not do the research.

Also "The sight of metal men smashing one another about without drawing any real blood is more reminiscent of the sandbox games of a child with his play toys than any movie magic." is a poor argument, akin to gamer trolls who complain OMFG NO GORE!? LAME GAME! It's also odd that this review complains of too much fighting when another negative review I've seen complains of too little.

I'm not trying to say this movie is perfect, it may well not be, could even be terrible (I doubt it) but these arguments are pretty poor.

The other negative review I read was more convincing (and it was from the mirror would you believe, I thought they 5-starred everything with explosions) ... s/?a=17516
Sparrow, didn't pick up on him calling Black Widow Cat Women, eh? lol. Was it? I'll change it to AICN's. I just needed something to make it worth bumping the thread.
Jayme said:
Sparrow, didn't pick up on him calling Black Widow Cat Women, eh? lol. Was it? I'll change it to AICN's. I just needed something to make it worth bumping the thread.


Massive fail on my part haha.

On a quasi-related note I bought the mark VI and war machine walmart exclusive figures on ebay. For some reason Hasbro wants to make people who like 6 inch figures cry by making the entire 6 inch line walmart exclusive T___T Ah well, I got em now.