Inuyasha season 1 dvd cover art now revealed on

Meh, no ones still 100 percent sure wheather the dvds gonna contain japanese language or not, i dont think nyone can be certain untill the day of release. best to just hold tight a wait. I've placed my order anyway :lol:
I hope it has Japanese audio, I've only seen a few Japanese eps cuz all I could find online were English dub eps.
I do like the dub tho, so I'll probably still buy it even if they don't have Japanese audio.

12 episodes for around about £20 is a decent price, and the covers quite nice to. :3
from what i have read on the internet, practically almost half of this entire series is filler....not sure if it was half, but the last few arcs were filler.
that kind of discourages me from picking it up.
(and from the few eps i have so )
There's a full-page review of this in the latest Neo magazine. There's also a half-page advert for it as well.

Looks like it's been promoted half-decently which isn't too shabby. :)
I received the first DVD this morning and can say it is a pretty good release. 12 episodes contained over two discs with English and Japanese audio. The translation used is the same one as on the R1 DVDs (I have the R1s, did a comparison of the first episode and they were identical).

All-in-all a good release.
I've got my copy too, but theres a problem with DISC 2, its with episode 7 and 8 where the audio goes out of timeline with the picture, so its delayed.. I dunno this might just be my bad luck and the disc is faulty, but if anyone else here has the same problem, post it on here..