I am alive. But with me not having watched any anime or read any manga for something like a month or more, my interest in posting on anime forums dropped to zero. Should I ever find myself willing to watch Japanese cartoons once more, post again I shall. The future only God knows.
Finished GoW 1 & 2. GoW1 was beaten twice solo and once with someone on insane, and GoW2 was beaten once solo and once on insane with a partner again. Despite my early issues with the covering system, I got plenty of enjoyment out of the games in the end. They're a complete blast to play through - both looking great, providing lots of exciting shooting, including some amusing one-liners and even having a somewhat messy story that has kept my interest all the way to GoW3.
Blue Dragon was dropped after around seven hours. Painfully childish, its story and characterization are - making Naruto seem almost adult in comparison. Worsening the experience was how EASY the game is... unless you download and play with the hard mod; which I intend to do, at some point in the future in order to be challenged at least a little. But it'll never be a great game in my eyes when it's so damn dull--nothing happening outside of pointless traveling for the first chunky section of the game.
I also beat Naruto: RoaN, Eternal Sonata and Enslaved.
RoaN is by no stretch of the imagination a great game, but it's impossible not to enjoy running through the sandbox world like Sonic the Hedgedog. The platform elements made up for what would have been a disappointing experience, otherwise.
Watch and see for yourself how fast Naruto moves:
Double jumping and walking on water has never been so much fun.
At some point, I'll get the sequel off eBay to complete my Narutardism on the 360. (Ninja Storm 2, as well.)
Eternal Sonata caused me a great amount of pain. I posted a few 'happy thoughts' over on EG in the JRPG group/'What's everyone playing?' thread:
And, finally, Enslaved is one of the best cinematic games I'll play. It looked stunning when the faces got shown close-up; the detail and expressions making it seem more like a movie than a game. Its story did disappoint, by the end, but the characters are all memorable and its platforming gameplay made it impossible for me to put it down throughout. At the minute, I'm replaying it on hard in an attempt to to get 1000+ points.
Pigsy and Jansen made owning a 360 worth it:
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I'm thinking about putting my 360 in a box somewhere unless I get ToV or find a game to get into soon. There just aren't many games with good stories and/or characterization around; the lack of JRPGs making it even more difficult for me. Gonna start Nier after RE5 and Hitman failed to grab me.
...This will have to do until I next return.