
Well-balanced I'd say. Not too lucky, but nothing disasterous.

What would you do if you were respected as a Messiah/figure of divinity?
Make everyone convert to haruhi-ism xD

If you were to create a manga, what gender would the main character be, and what name would they have?
DanM said:
Make everyone convert to haruhi-ism xD

If you were to create a manga, what gender would the main character be, and what name would they have?

A his teens...called peaches. just to inflict shame upon him :p

(if i where to answer the messiah question. i'd have wrote a big book of BS...full of impossible crap and random ramblings. i could take some pages from the general convo thread.......oh wait somebody already beat me to the that idea and wrote the bible and the quran.....damn)

Whats your favourite alcoholic drink? and if a reason applies, why?
I would say rum+coke, usually malibu but I've had cheaper stuff with it and still tastes good. I have a sweet tooth.

If you could take back anything youve said in the past, what would it be?
urgh...bad memmories with rum and coke lol.

Y'know, there's nothing i'd take back. im happy with the way lifes panned out.

If you could ask anything in the world 1 question. what would it be and why? (example: talking to a monkey to find out how much different its world is to ours)

the thing you talk to CAN talk back in english (please don't ask the creature why it can talk english all of a sudden, it'll die.
I'd ask the Hare:
"Did you sleep well whilst you got your ass handed by the slowest reptile on the planet?" XD

Would you like to interview people as part of a job?
I'd ask a goldfish if it remembers who i am xD
No... thats a waste. Umm, id ask my ipod if it likes the music i make it play. (You did say anything)

EDIT: Damn. Couple of seconds too late :lol:
I wouldnt like to, no, because i think it'd get boring asking the same questions and recieving the same answers everytime.

If you were invisible for the day, what would you do?
Wander into SIS headquarters, private government meetings and board meetings of large corporations in order to give myself some serious advantages in the world once I turned visible again. In between times I'd visit women's shower rooms.

What do you see in this picture?
ayase said:
Wander into SIS headquarters, private government meetings and board meetings of large corporations in order to give myself some serious advantages in the world once I turned visible again. In between times I'd visit women's shower rooms.

What do you see in this picture?
plate01.jpg Photobucket is blocked at work :p

(If i were invisible for a day....i'd probably go round all the peoples houses who i dislike. take nude photo's of them and then have evidence to blackmail them into NOT BEING PRICKS)

If you could talk to one dead person. who would it be and why?