Indian Call Centres


God, I ******* hate them. What should've been an easy to deal with fraudulent transaction check-up from my credit card provider turned into a mess because I couldn't understand the women who was speaking to me. First she said something about CDs, which made me worried when I don't order CDs, and then she corrected herself and started talking about 'motion pictures'. I had to ask her numerous times what transactions had caused me to be phoned and the woman simply kept repeating the dates. She refused to transfer me when I politely asked to talk to someone I could understand. :/

I've also had issues getting a dispute form sent out. The first time it never turned up, the second time they wrongly sent some kind of third party form and I'm now waiting again for the form to arrive. My statement will be here in a few days and I need to send the dispute form off in order to avoid paying interest because of a few fraudulent transactions...

I had similar Indian call centre issues with Dell in the past. I couldn't understand the idiots when I had a PC that died in a week and had to phone them numerous times, turning down offers to keep my dead unit, in order to get them to pick it up and refund me.
and that's it.

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you hold down the following keys: W + F + the number 2 + the space bar while typing out "Ganesha is great" ...
Yeah, I was trying to activate my xp install from the phone - So I had to ring up microsoft the get the code. Trust me, listening to 25 numbers and letters when they're mumbling away is hard - I had to ring up about 4 times, no joke.
Knowing my luck, the woman probably cancelled my cards or stopped he payments I made. This is why it's bad not to be able to check my transactions online, leaving me to rely on the trusty Indian phone staff until my monthly statement comes.
They are annoying. I try hard to be polite to the staff (not their fault that they're given no information, don't always speak the language fluently and are paid peanuts) but it can take hours for simple problems to be resolved. It doesn't feel much like "Customer Service". Particular problems I have had are getting through to other departments ("Accounts? I'll put you through to Finance Leasing madam") and discussing issues which hinge on basic British knowledge which they haven't been told ("Just call the courier company to pick up the faulty machine madam" "Which courier company? Which account number do I give them?" "The courier company madam" etc).

I discovered with my bank that if I call CS I get the call centre, but if I call the complaint line I get an actual bank employee who speaks English and it's much faster to do this than go through proper channels.

And don't remind me about Dell. I have to deal with them at work almost every day. Usually I speak to their Irish office which is pretty good but any time I end up in the call centre hell and routed back to India it makes me want to scream.

It must give people an unfairly bad impression of Indians too.

chaos said:
and that's it.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

you hold down the following keys: W + F + the number 2 + the space bar while typing out "Ganesha is great" ...

Is that foamy the squirrel by any chance? :p
i can't see at work but that line is a quote of faomy's tech support.
Yagami said:
Yeah, I was trying to activate my xp install from the phone - So I had to ring up microsoft the get the code. Trust me, listening to 25 numbers and letters when they're mumbling away is hard - I had to ring up about 4 times, no joke.
That system is bloody retarded. They should just give you the activation code. It's not as if THAT many people pirate OS's.
Lupus Inu said:

It was created for a reason.
Rui said:
It must give people an unfairly bad impression of Indians too.
Not me. I just hate call centres.
Any time I want to go for a perv around our call centre (a bank BTW), I just go for a roam around the corner...score. 8)

Had a fantastic moment a few weeks ago with a Fonejacker-style guy calling from 3. Rabbited on at me for about five minutes, to which I replied: "No."
Tachi- said:
chaos said:
and that's it.
you hold down the following keys: W + F + the number 2 + the space bar while typing out "Ganesha is great" ...

Is that foamy the squirrel by any chance? :p
i can't see at work but that line is a quote of faomy's tech support.
Yep, that's Foamy the squirrel. Simply epic =)

Maxon said:
Yagami said:
Yeah, I was trying to activate my xp install from the phone - So I had to ring up microsoft the get the code. Trust me, listening to 25 numbers and letters when they're mumbling away is hard - I had to ring up about 4 times, no joke.
That system is bloody retarded. They should just give you the activation code. It's not as if THAT many people pirate OS's.
Before moving to UK, I've never met anyone who had an official copy of windows. A few companies I've worked for didn't had as many copies as they had installed as well...

Martin said:
Fight back with the Counter-script.
I've worked in a call centre company an they had both active and reactive operations. The active operations (sales call centres) the performance of the people is measured by time. They are allowed X minutes to talk to people and they are not allowed to be impolite or hang up on anyone. To make them paranoid, we told them we recorded everything - what was not necessarily true, we only recorded things like bank CS operations, and such.

Also, these companies have their own black lists. The best way to get into a blacklist is to never hang up and keep them holding the line. So, in other words, the counter script is perfect, as it will make them hold the line - do this a once or twice and rest asured that your number will be in the black list and there is a high probability the black list is shared with other call centre companies. The black list is only for active call centres, so don't worry, you will stil be able to call the CS of your bank or tech support for you computer.

A co-worker once got a call centre call at the office and it wnet like this
co-worker - Can I have your name?
call centre dude - my name is Bob
co-worker - Bob what?
call centre dude - Bob brown
co-worker - and what's your number?
call centre dude - 555-0987
co-worker - is it your home number?
call centre dude - nope, this is the number I'm calling you now.
co-worker - Can I have your home number?
call centre dude - no, I can't tell you that, but why?
co-worker - Because I wanted to call you
call centre dude - ....
co-worker - You don't like strangers calling you, do you? So why the f*** did you called me? *hangs up*
Jesus ******* Christ, tell me about it.

I remember phoning Virgin once to fix something internet related, and the distinct tingle of an Indian woman's annoying ass, incomprehensible voice was pissing me off for about 2 hours.

What should've taken mere minutes turned into two damn hours. She eventually had to resort to the military alphabet thing (I don't know), to get the damn words across, or else it would have never been resolved.

Anyway, second time I phoned, I asked to speak to a guy with a clear voice. Two minutes of conversation- done.
My Uncle does sales calls heads in.
he sits there asking for information on what their selling, everything possible to do with the product. every attachment and extra, where their made, the delivery mans name (he tries to go down very route of questions possible) known to go on for 4 hours (last time i sat and witnessed one) and in the very end when he can't think of anything else to ask he says "nah, doesn't sound like anything i'd be remotely interested in" its almost worth the hours of build up just to laugh myself crazy at the end.

me personally, have never had a problem with call centres. as i'm ex directory and don't calll them. altho....i do have problems with doorsalesmen. one put his foot in the doorway and insisted i bought some of his crap. didn't pretend to care at all about his products. and told him to take his foot off my property before he regrets it. and that i'm not the sort who calls the police to deal with people like him trying to force himself into properties. he asked what i meant. i opened the door alittle bit further and he saw my boxer (type of dog) 7 stone of muscle and jaw stood with a pissed off face. funny how the guys foot came away from the door. then said "thankyou, bye" *closes door*

some people are so rude.
Tachi- said:
me personally, have never had a problem with call centres. as i'm ex directory and don't calll them. altho....i do have problems with doorsalesmen. one put his foot in the doorway and insisted i bought some of his crap. didn't pretend to care at all about his products. and told him to take his foot off my property before he regrets it. and that i'm not the sort who calls the police to deal with people like him trying to force himself into properties. he asked what i meant. i opened the door alittle bit further and he saw my boxer (type of dog) 7 stone of muscle and jaw stood with a pissed off face. funny how the guys foot came away from the door. then said "thankyou, bye" *closes door*
I would have bashed his foot with the door. Bitch tries to forcefully break into my house, then the law can't protect him.
Actually. until afew years ago there was a stupid law passed that theifs and burglars can sue the home owner if their injured whilst trying to steal from the house......a farmer was imprisoned for using a firearm to protect his home and family and shot at the burglar. unless the burglar is armed its still illegal to kill them. sorry but if someones on a mission to steal from me, put my family in danger and expects not to have a cricket bat smashing his face in for trying,the last thing that would be going round my head would be "will this jerk off try and sue or haul me up in court for beating him to a pulp?"

once again i rage about the laws....the stupid laws that put the idiots in favour.
Tachi- said:
Actually. until afew years ago there was a stupid law passed that theifs and burglars can sue the home owner if their injured whilst trying to steal from the house......a farmer was imprisoned for using a firearm to protect his home and family and shot at the burglar. unless the burglar is armed its still illegal to kill them. sorry but if someones on a mission to steal from me, put my family in danger and expects not to have a cricket bat smashing his face in for trying,the last thing that would be going round my head would be "will this jerk off try and sue or haul me up in court for beating him to a pulp?"

once again i rage about the laws....the stupid laws that put the idiots in favour.

will never beat the fact that Duncan Ferguson was arrested for attacking a robber in his own house :D

tbf if your stupid enough to try rob big Dunc, u deserve whatever you get