heya, I used to do my reading and research a lot when the nex gen consoles were very young and probably not even in existance, and always thought to myself... yeaah PS3 all the way there aint nothin better aha yhh as you can tell im quite the SONY fan... but I cant help thinking that ever since the PS3 hit the UK its not made a hugley effective impact, I think its bcoz the price is hella expensive, and I keep seeing good Xbox360 games these days, but then again it can be argued that the 360 has been around for much longer, and Microsoft are getting their hands on more and more games which were once exclusive for the Sony Playstation!! I think Xbox360 is making the better impact, I dont know about the Wii.... its very good in price, and most of my mates have one, but..... its got kiddy games, which is cool I suppose... Im waiting for Super Smash Brawl, but Im not even sure if the Wii has had any PROPER good games apart from Zelda since its release... I only hear hype about the Xbox360...
Am I wrong in saying that the 360 is making the most impact? what are your views ppl! lol
Am I wrong in saying that the 360 is making the most impact? what are your views ppl! lol