if you had to recommend 1 anime, what would it + why?


Stand User
if you had to recommend 1 anime, to any1. what would it be and why?

Evangelion: it has everything! love. death. romance. mecha. teen angst. action. etc...
evangelion is the greastest anime that ever was and ever is to be! and i'm not jus a bandwagon eva fan, it truely is! perfect for newcomers and veterans. starts off as ur normal everyday mecha show and disolves into the psychologically and symbolic piece of art that is end EoE.
Happy Lesson

Its a harem-esq series. One guy an orphan has finally reached the age where he can live alone so returns to his family home. While attending school he gets into fights and becomes a reclusive style loner. His 5 teachers all notice this and decide to become hi Ma-ma's (Not Sexual). His 5 ma-mas have different personalities.

While he lives with them they compete for his love, perform experiments on him (science mama needs a ginea pig). I love this anime and its sequel Happy Lesson Advance one of the best around
skikes said:
Evangelion: it has everything! love. death. romance. mecha. teen angst. action. etc...
evangelion is the greastest anime that ever was and ever is to be! and i'm not jus a bandwagon eva fan, it truely is! perfect for newcomers and veterans. starts off as ur normal everyday mecha show and disolves into the psychologically and symbolic piece of art that is end EoE.

Well I'd also recommend it but I wouldn't label it the be all and end all of anime. If you accept that then you're saying it is impossible for anime to progress any further.

Plus building it up too much often causes people to like it less.
It may not have everything but I'm such a flag-waving zealot for it I'd choose Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence.


Simply because the content has potential relevance in a landscape dominated by an ever increasing number of technological advancements (some necessary, some not) and its topped off with a good beginners guide to philosophy.

And the cherry on the cake is the incredible animation and artwork.

Though an anime recommendation could be based on the person in question and what kind of "stuff" they like.

Sorry, didn't want to complicate a straghtforward question.
Yu Yu Hakusho: nothing better than a good fighting anime and this is one of the best. It has something that can appeal to both sexes (Kurama - yummy :twisted: ). Has a nice bit of romance, tons of OTT intense fighting but without the dreaded 5 minutes til everything is detroyed but 20 episodes later, the fight is still going strong :lol: A great cast of characters a wonderful ending, plus a fantastic movie ^__^
If I were recommendeing something to a sci-fi fan Macross Plus is hard to beat. The soundtrack is top-notch, the animation is also fantastic and there's plenty of action, romance and drama. The sight of transforming varitech fighters never gets old either!

For a more general film buff I'd drop the name of Satoshi Kon: either Perfect Blue or Millennium Actress. Again, it all depends on the tastes of who I'm recommending it to but both films are shining examples of their type.
Monster Omg this series has a story line and the whole plot unfolds perfectly with over 20 characters all with own background and part in the show surrounding 3 characters Dr Tenma, Anna and Johan, the best villian your ever likely to see, soft spoken, contsantly calm and wants to create a perfect suicide for himself.
i would without a doubt recommend Hunter X Hunter. this anime is just soo awsome! if you sat through and watched it you would be just in awe at the ideas and concepts the creator came up with. and after watching (and reading lots of the manga) you will find so many small hints and stuff which has easily inspired many other anime and the ideas they use. (i for one has spotted many things that Naruto has taken from HxH)
also i would also recomend Yu Yu Hakusho as Miaka-chan also did. and just for the record, Bleach easily copied YYH !!!!
(also not to mention that HxH and YYH was made by the same creator!) Good Stuff!
im not sure what i would reccomend really, somthing easy to follow like one of the great ghibli movies, or maybe spriggan
or ninja scroll perhaps.
im not sure about any series though, cowboy bebop, excel saga, nadesico, evangelion, i dunno...
Cowboy Bebop, it's a great series to start watching anime with. It's fun to watch, and doesn't feel too alien to new watchers.
Akira seems to be the traditional 'must-see' anime to watch first.
They might want to add a sticker label to it saying "MY FIRST ANIME"

But if it was only one that they could watch, ever,
and like, their neck would explode after,
then I would say the UC 0079 Gundam movies.
Why? Watch 'em and see.
Whilst Escaflowne isn't a series I'd call a favourite, i'd honestly recommend it to anyone. I just feel it crosses divides a lot better than many other animes. Surely there are better action animes out there, and better love-story animes, and better fantasy animes, but is there a better fantasy action romance anime out there? Hell no. Escaflowne balances them all and doesn't undermine itself in the process. Whilst many people would come away from it without adoring it, i'd say there'd still be a high "success" rate from recommending it.

In practice, I've had the most success with lending out Princess Mononoke of all my collection. Probably about 10 seperate people and they all enjoyed it, most loved it. Whilst the ghibli flame-wars of this board make me cautious of saying that Princess Mononoke is a good recommendation, I think i'll put it down to the nay-sayers hating it through other circumstances. Particuarly having something recommended by a faceless nobody who you know nothing about. Friends make much better recommendations as a rule.