Ideas for anime that don't yet exist but should


Za Warudo
I'm sure we must have had one of these threads before, but I can't find it so thought I'd start a new one. What anime haven't been made yet that you really want to be made, or that you just think seem like they should exist even though they don't. I'll get the ball rolling with this, although it's possible it has already been made and it's just my patchy anime knowledge making a fool of me! But I can't believe we haven't seemed to have had a fully fledged BL historical anime based around a fictionalised account of William Shakespeare's rumoured love for the Earl of Southampton. I really can't believe it hasn't been made. It could be campy and silly or it could be serious and understated, either way it'd probably be great. I feel like the only reason it hasn't happened yet is because anime studios are afraid to make a man with Willie's hairline the star of a new show.
The historical fiction genre is definitely not afraid of unusual hairlines with all of the tonsured monks and topknotted samurai, so Willie is still in with a chance!

I think all niche sports should get the Birdie Wing treatment and be depicted in the most ludicrously melodramatic way possible. I would definitely watch a full season of the snooker mafia trading trick shots and weird interpersonal relationships as they work their way up the rankings.
