i may go multi region however...


Completely Average High School Student
obviously thinking of going MR coz of anime like higurashi and welcome to the nhk and bebop if amazon dont restock i might get region 0 too but i only have my xbox (old not 360) as a dvd player i also have a really old dvd player in my attic i dont know wether its region locked or how to unlock im talking about my xbox too could someone tell me thanks :D
You could try installing XBMC4Xbox..

That way you could also watch fansubs of shows that aren't out on DVD yet in MKV format. Which is something the 360 can't do D:
Google the player's model number.
Modding the xbox probaly is more hassle (and illegal) than just buying a new region free/switchable player (which are cheap).
It's old xboxes and PS2s that can have issues with NTSC video, even for R2/0 disks.

R1 is also cheaper and normaly better video quality..
well thanks to all of you, but i am still confused about region 0 will it work on my xbox i know reaper said they had issues but since u mentioned R2 its quite confusing. also stu i will try to involve punctuation but im terrible at it (even though i was "punctuation king" in year 2 lol)
You don't need a multi region player to play region 0. Any DVD player should play R0 (no region) and its native region (R2 here, R1 USA etc..) without issue. Or at least to meet the DVD spec it should do.

The NTSC/PAL thing is secondary to the region.
Reaper gI said:
It's old xboxes and PS2s that can have issues with NTSC video, even for R2/0 disks.
I made my old (large) PS2 multiregion using Action Replay 2. I don't know if there was a specific problem with the oldest models, but mine was fine - you just need the right cables (PS2 to RGB scart - although I had mine connected to a PC monitor through a Red Ant box).
Stuart-says-yes said:
Malak95 said:
well thanks to all of you, but i am still confused about region 0 will it work on my xbox i know reaper said they had issues but since u mentioned R2 its quite confusing. also stu i will try to involve punctuation but im terrible at it (even though i was "punctuation king" in year 2 lol)

Thanks, its already easier to read, just takes practice really :thumb:

Xbox's have a harder job decoding NTSC signals, so the image isn't as good, so even if you did find a way of making it region free, it would loom bad, and the xbox would have problems reading the disk.

I watched NTSC DVDs on my Xbox with no negative effects.