As far as i'm aware, ( and someone please correct me if i'm wrong,
) the version that I linked to was the very first version.
After that, I'm not sure. :? I 'think' Theres a movie, Tenchi in love or something that comes next, then there's the remake Tenchi Muyo - Ryo-oki ( Which if I remember rightly, is basically a retelling of the story but with a different story - if that makes any sense at all? :wink: and is just as brilliant as the original, ) then I 'think' it's Tenchi in Tokyo.
After that, I havn't a clue, and as I said, even though I think the above is right, it's been a while so i'm not 'too' sure . :?
God it's been ages since i've seen any of these - on VHS the last time
). I'm really gonna have to get them myself now. 
After that, I'm not sure. :? I 'think' Theres a movie, Tenchi in love or something that comes next, then there's the remake Tenchi Muyo - Ryo-oki ( Which if I remember rightly, is basically a retelling of the story but with a different story - if that makes any sense at all? :wink: and is just as brilliant as the original, ) then I 'think' it's Tenchi in Tokyo.
After that, I havn't a clue, and as I said, even though I think the above is right, it's been a while so i'm not 'too' sure . :?
God it's been ages since i've seen any of these - on VHS the last time