Hurr Hurr


Completely Average High School Student
I'm terrible at introducing myself but I'll try my best xD

First of all hi! I'm Nagii or Nagiimon whichever you prefer.
In the past some have called me Mon Mon Wei Wei Wei Mon Mon Wei Mon Wei Mon Mon
but that tends to take a while so Mon Mon is an accepted substitute.

Kidding....somewhat. You can call me Mon Mon though haha.

I'm 22 an I'm a born and bred brummie (ridiculous accent included) um.. I guess I joined because I miss being around like minded people ^-^; I've been watching anime most of my life since my older brother is into it a little too. I kinda took over him in terms of passion for it though haha.

My favourite anime.... I'm not going to lie I've had a soft spot for Gundam Wing... well it's a soft spot now; When I was about 10 is was an undying obsession. I used to fake illness to stay home from ballet and watch it.

I don't read much manga just because I'm soooooooo lazy. It requires some effort to read and I just... I can't commit myself to that kind of strenuous activity. The only manga I've followed form beginning to end is KHR and that's because I felt obligated to even though towards the end it sucked xD I'm glad to see the back end of it now.

Other things about me aside from being the laziest person ever.... I love music of all sorts, pink, sticking people with needles (I'm a trained healthcare professional just to clear that up xD I don't source them from like ebay and run around in the streets stabbing people or anything >.>), singing, dancing, and drawing even though I'm not good at it.

That was long, sorry xD
Nagii xx
Welcome Nagii! I really like your name ^_^
Haha, I literally just bought a bunch of KHR manga today off Amazon. To be fair I think I'm on a bit of a high after finishing the anime a few days ago. 203 episodes left me attached!
I'm sure you'll like it here, and I hope you have a nice time.
p.s. i love pink too, a bit too much!
Pandora you can never like Pink too much D: !! I refuse to believe there is such a thing as loving pink too much xD Especially if there's sparklies or frillies involved. *drooooool*

Thank you for the welcome ^-^//
I understand the KHR anime high xD I started reading the manga directly after I finished watching it. I think I've watched the series twice now. I was sad that i couldnt buy all the manga volumes though 'cos after a certain point they stopped being translated to english so i had to read them online =( It's such a cute show though; easily one of my favourites.

hehe I'm hoping to have an awesome time, I'm gonna look around properly after work!
Nagiimon said:
Pandora you can never like Pink too much D: !! I refuse to believe there is such a thing as loving pink too much xD Especially if there's sparklies or frillies involved. *drooooool*

Thank you for the welcome ^-^//
I understand the KHR anime high xD I started reading the manga directly after I finished watching it. I think I've watched the series twice now. I was sad that i couldnt buy all the manga volumes though 'cos after a certain point they stopped being translated to english so i had to read them online =( It's such a cute show though; easily one of my favourites.

hehe I'm hoping to have an awesome time, I'm gonna look around properly after work!

I like you already Nagii! Pink is just so pretty, whenever I buy anything I usually check to see if it comes in pink first!
Yeah Volume 16 right :( boo! KHR is just adorable, Tsuna!! ^-^ As soon as I finished the anime I thought 'aww....I wanna watch it again right now!'. For something that started off as pure comedy it got pretty intense!
What other anime do you like?
ZenTattooist said:
Hi, welcome and enjoy your stay :)

Thank you ^-^//

PandoraHane said:
I like you already Nagii! Pink is just so pretty, whenever I buy anything I usually check to see if it comes in pink first!
Yeah Volume 16 right :( boo! KHR is just adorable, Tsuna!! ^-^ As soon as I finished the anime I thought 'aww....I wanna watch it again right now!'. For something that started off as pure comedy it got pretty intense!
What other anime do you like?

I totally identify with the pink thing. My laptop is dying and my only requirement for a new one is pink XD

I like Tsuna but I think Gokudera is my favourite just because he's nuts haha. And Dino <3
I love looking through the manga pages and seeing how much the art style changed over 6 years; I think that's one of my favourite things about it.

As for other anime I like.....Wolf's Rain is probably one of my all time favourites. For the last few episodes I just cried all the way through them, which was exhausting especially when marathoning but I don't think any show has made me that emotional before.

I also really liked Claymore, and I watched Another just a few days ago and although it wasn't as scary as I thought it was going to be, still held my attention all the way to the end. I have a problem with finishing anime if the story gets too repetitive :S Im having that thought with Hyouka right now but I'm trying to force myself to watch it xD Hnnnn I also like D.Gray-man, Beelzebub because it was utterly ridiculous, Paradise Kiss, Soul Eater and Natsuyuki Rendevous among others. Too many to name T^T

What about you? xD What do you like to watch?
Scary as it is, my laptop IS pink! Because I managed to completely wreck my last one, walking disaster over here!
I love Gokudera too, his loyalty scares me sometimes. Ah Dino and his epic fails (and falls!). I can't wait for my volumes to arrive so I can see it all for myself :D
I'm terrible when it comes to my definition of scary, some things I just can't watch. I love a good cry though, I'm bad for watching things that are just overly sweet.
I'm quite predictable really Clannad, Angel Beats, Shakugan No Shana, Eden of the East, Index and Railgun. I'm more of a manga reader, Tsubasa and Pandora Hearts are my favourite (hence my name aha) even though they both have an anime they are nothing on the manga.
XD Poor wrecked laptop. Mine is wrecked too and sometimes I feel like it's yelling at me just to let it die with dignity lmao.

Ahhh I hope you enjoy reading them :D I'm excited for you!

I don't mind some sweet shows! I started watching Clannad and got through most of the episodes. I need to go back and finish it T^T Angel Beats I watched too :D it made me cry >////> which I was suprised about because I was a little sceptical about watching it in the first place ^^; Likewise Eden of the East I enjoyed too! I've heard the name Shukgan no Shana before, but I haven't watched it? Is it any good?

I LOVED the anime but felt disappointed at the end like there could have been so much more in it. Would you recommend the manga? If it's different to the show then I think I might be able to fill the void the anime left haha.
Shakugan No Shana is good but sometimes it can feel a bit disjointed I guess? Just because it was adapted from the light novels a bit weird. Still a great watch though.
Yay! Pandora Hearts is my main love! The anime followed it quite well but episode 23 onwards was filler. So nothing was answered (Oz's sin, Gil's past, the whole deal with Alice). The manga I can't recommend enough! Its up to volume 13 over here (14 next month woo!) and volume 19 in Japan. The anime stopped at volume 7ish I think? Its answered all the big questions from the anime. Plus the art is beautiful.
The anime was good for voice acting and music but did the art no justice whatsoever. I'll need to stop, I could go on about it forever! >.<
uwaaah I really wanna read it now xD I'll see if I can pick some volumes up when payday comes hehe <3 Thanks for your recommendations :D
Hello Mon Mon! Great introduction thread, you hardly seem lazy haha. Now, for the question that all Brummie's must answer me: Mum, mom or mam?? Which is your preference? You have also reminded me of the days of watching Gundam Wing on Cartoon Network, though as far as I recall, I mainly enjoyed it for the fact that it had a character whose name sounded like "sex" hahaha, and also for the fact that nothing in the show seemed to make any sense to me. Could you really follow what was going on in the show at that age (though I don't think it's so much a question of age, as I'm pretty sure I still wouldn't be able to follow the plot ahaha)?
Thanks for taking the time to welcome me ^----^//

hnnnnn Mum, Mom or Mam... Honestly I say Mom xD Although it depends on what I want from her cos then I use them all with a mommy thrown in for cuteness that she can't say no to haha.

As or GW... Bits and pieces made sense, and what I didn't understand my brother would do an idiot's guide for. I was mainly excited because things went WHOOOOOSH! BOOOM! CRASH! SHOOT ME HEEROOOOOO haha. Also to the detriment of any teenage normalness I may have had a chance of having, when I started Secondary school the following year the first people I met were in the year above me and were more obsessed than I was XD So they tended to iron out things I didn't get as well. I re-watched it again recently for nostalgia and it was much better. You never know 10 years later it might make more sense haha.

But really, if you can follow along to the non existent plot of the Samurai Pizza Cats dub you can follow along to anything xD
Aha, so it seems all the Brummies on this forum spell it mom. That still boggles my mind haha.

Yeah, I pretty much enjoyed enjoyed Wing for the same reasons as you, especially the "SHOOT ME HEROOOO" haha, I didn't know why she wanted him to shoot her or why Hero seemed to be so mean for no reason, but it sure was dramatic. I also watched a few eps with my older brother, and when I asked him to explain what was going on, his reply was "As far as I can tell, it's just a bunch of completely random acts of violence"...
Nagi said:
When I was about 10 is was an undying obsession. I used to fake illness to stay home from ballet and watch it.
I already like you. :D If that is not dedication, then I demand rewriting the definition.

No read manga?! Too lazy?! You can read a whole volume in a day, no sweat! Hell, kick feet up, lean on a pillow and if necessary, use a fan to blow the next page over! lol.
Seriously, just not to everyone's taste. I just like how your so determined to not do something due to laziness - that itself is something I need effort for. XD

But how rude - Welcome to the forums. I hope you enjoy the stay. GW was a classic growing up with, a perfect mecha show to start with.
Oh, and pink is the new black... (But it's not really.... Black is always the new black!)
vashdaman said:
Aha, so it seems all the Brummies on this forum spell it mom. That still boggles my mind haha.

Yeah, I pretty much enjoyed enjoyed Wing for the same reasons as you, especially the "SHOOT ME HEROOOO" haha, I didn't know why she wanted him to shoot her or why Hero seemed to be so mean for no reason, but it sure was dramatic. I also watched a few eps with my older brother, and when I asked him to explain what was going on, his reply was "As far as I can tell, it's just a bunch of completely random acts of violence"...

xD Why does the mom thing boggle your mind?

hahah i think it was a pretty heavy anime to put on a kid's channel plot wise, I think most people I know who watched it felt the same about the random acts of violence and boom boom boom xD

Sailor moon on the other hand ....

Chaz said:
I already like you. :D If that is not dedication, then I demand rewriting the definition.

No read manga?! Too lazy?! You can read a whole volume in a day, no sweat! Hell, kick feet up, lean on a pillow and if necessary, use a fan to blow the next page over! lol.
Seriously, just not to everyone's taste. I just like how your so determined to not do something due to laziness - that itself is something I need effort for. XD

But how rude - Welcome to the forums. I hope you enjoy the stay. GW was a classic growing up with, a perfect mecha show to start with.
Oh, and pink is the new black... (But it's not really.... Black is always the new black!)

Thans for the welcome xD
HAHAHA seriously I don't know what it is about manga I'm just like muuuuh. I'm going to read some though.... really! Or at least try xD
xD Why does the mom thing boggle your mind?

haha, no real reason. It's just that I only recently discovered (on this very forum) that spelling it mum isn't the norm across the country :lol:. I just made the incorrect assumption that certain members of this forum had been reading too much American literature or something haha.