

hello :)
erm never really joined a forum before so i thought id join one for something i love, so anime it is! im mark, im 23 from london.
love amine and manga and pretty much anything geeky, say hello any time :)
Hello Spawnuk86.

Same age as me. Definately a great year to be born. :)
So what guilty geeky pleasures do you have other than anime?

Also, tell us what your favs are - genre, shows, characters/suits etc.

Anyways, good to hear from ya, and welcome to the cult. << >>
Greetings Spawn. I also hope you find your stay here on AUKN a pleasurable one. You'll find that most members here like all things geeky... but then it depends on what people call geeky.

Anyway. like Chaz has said, what kind of anime and manga are you into? I can already see that your a fan of SAC, and that's a big "Oh Yeeah!" in my book.