How manga took over the world or, more specifically, the UK


Ghost of Animes
We've received word that <a href="">Manchester's exhibition center</a> (on Level 1 of the venue) will be hosting the "How Manga Took over the World" event. It's set to run for an impressive 6 months, from 13th March to 27th September 2008, and intends to "educate on some of the first manga artists to be heard of here in the UK", including notable features on "Self Made Hero" and their line of "Manga Shakespeare" graphic novels.
Fantastic stuff.

About 20 of us from another anime forum were already planning to meetup in Manchester on the 15th March for a laugh, but this just made it totally worth it. We will definatly checking this out.
I've gotta make my way down. £12 train return and any entry costs will be worth it just to witness this.

Kinda short atm, but next month? We'll see.
Hmm, can I be arsed going all that way... It 'is' 10ft away from where I get off the bus to go shopping afterall. :p

McIcy said:
Brilliant too bad its manchester and not here in the south but might be worth a trip

Oi, there's nothing wrong with Manchester! :x

( That a good napalming wouldn't cure. )
Heehee, I've designed their Mascot for the event, she'll be in various poses and styles throughout the exhibition, hopefully as life-sized cutouts! I must drop by to take photos sometime ^_^

Sneak peek on my livejournal:

(PS: She is meant to be unashamedly totally animu, please don't bash me for not being experimental, I was asked to make her as authentically anime/manga as possible! XDD )