How known are you on Animeuknews above you? (forum game)

adamcube said:
keyblade_master uk said:
9- Very popular, LOL.... Celebrity of the Forum

You never used to be around, say two or three months ago, but quite recently you've been all over the place. I'd say around 6.8.

Yep, Blame Gaiaonline *pokes gaia*

I'll give you a 7.... Gaia is evil... Even though it looks anime...
I need a high than 10 rating espeicially since Hovis seems to be in control of my wallet and dvd veiwing habits, everytime I talk to him I seem to either end up online shopping for DVD's or visiting Blockbusters the next day
Chrono Demon said:
I'll bump ya to an 8... Soon, you'll be rivaling McIcy for Fame on this Forum!!!!!!!!!

Awesome, thanks ^^;;;

Dave, you're everywhere. You don't post aimlessly, but read everything, so that when you do post it's a splurge of super-knowledge and wisdom. 9.

I don't recall reading any posts of yours before (though that may just mean I haven't been on any of the threads you've participated in).