How do you watch your anime?

Which of these is your main method of watching anime?

  • Downloads

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Imported DVD's

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • UK DVD's

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


I was wondering what method of watching anime was most common amongst everyone on this site? So as you can see from the poll above, do you predominantly download fansubs, import DVD’s or buy UK DVD’s? Excuse my ignorance if I’ve omitted any other options. I've put 'other' as a catch all.

I buy all mine and by a fairly small margin I buy UK DVD’s.
I buy UK DVDS, and turn to video sites for my Anime needs... I also rent ANime DVDs from my Local Library. Take that, Blockbuster!!!!!
I fly to Japan every week to watch the latest episodes airing.

But seriously, I download/Youtube/Veoh/whatever/UK DVDs. Don't import.
Lupus Inu said:
I fly to Japan every week to watch the latest episodes airing.
I've clearly cocked up my poll by lack of research. I never considered renting and the like. If I could edit it I would and I'd definetly add Lupus Inu's brilliant alternative method.
I do the easiest way possible for the specific title.

Its not asking; but for manga, i only buy official releases. :D
Since my main anime DVD purchases are Pokemon DVDS, import, seeing as they're not released in R2. Same for DBZ.

Anything else, I just get in R2.

I never download.
I mainly buy UK DVDs, unless there's a US version of the DVD on eBay I want or the DVD hasn't been released over here (things like Comic Party and FLCL).

I'll use the net to get an idea of what I want to see or take a look at stuff that hasn't made it out of Japan yet.
All of the above I guess... not seen anything pretty much for a year or so...

I love the way fansubs work and how they're made, I think the whole fansub society (leechers and subbers) is just fascinating. A well made fansub is always better than a companies effort. (for example Ergo Proxy HD from Shinsen Subs).
I think with most things now though I will watch my imported... and UK DVD's on my computer... I don't really like watching DVD's on my PS2 on my TV.
I like watching the efforts of KickAssAnime because they put so much effort into all their releases.. I don't see a problem in downloading and watching their releases if you bought the series on DVD already.
It depends on the series, I get several through import, such as Eureka Seven, for the Special editions, and series which are yet to be released here, R2 for a few, and for the new series i will watch online.
I usually download a few episodes, and if I like the show, and I'm able to, I buy the DVD's. (If I can't buy the DVD's I usually give up, or if it's really really really good, then I'll just watch it online.)
I rarely watch anime anymore though, if anything, I catch something on TV.
I've watched every single anime movie/series I've seen by way of UK DVDs. The only exception is Death Note (which I watched online) and I have every intention of buying the DVDs for that series when it comes out! I just don't like watching anime on my computer - it's usually of a terrible quality (compared to DVDs) and I can never just watch the episode as I get distracted by other things on my computer! I don't import because ... well, I can't!
Personally I only watch anime that I have bought or has been shown on TV, and up untill very recently, all the anime DVDs I had bought were region 2.

Even now, I will only buy region 1 if it is certain or highly likley that the item I am after is not going to get a region 2 release, at least for the forseeable future.
I download EVERYTHING. If I really like a series I'll buy it, but that's really rare.

Perhaps I should feel bad but...honestly I don't care that much. I like watching anime, don't have the money to buy loads of it, but am able to download it incredibly I do.

Sorry if my post starts something off about the ethics of downloading, but that's just the way I roll. :p
Oh yeah I also buy stuff if the box looks awesome, or it just seems like a lot of effort has gone into it. Like thinpacks don't interest me much, or single volumes. But something like the Basilisk box where it came with stuff is pretty cool, so I bought that.

EDIT: Here's a prime example of what I mean - The new Beck artbox. I love that series and MIGHT get this, because it looks awesome.
I usually watch an episode or 2 online/tv then i buy the DVDs usually UK Released but there is the odd import.

If its a show that I have read the manga or heard good things bout I will try to see it as soon as its released