Hot Gimmick - What did you think of the ending?

Funny you should suggest Nana also since I took the plunge and thats exactly whats winging its way to me from Amazon already - first 2 volumes as it happens.
Think what drew me to it is exactly like you say; more mature story, character relations etc.
Never thought to check for for her any of her other work - I'll have myself a look I think.

Did manage to check out Hot Gimmick whilst in London FP, I think I'll probably enjoy that too when i get round to it and/or have the funds to afford it.
The one title I didn't manage to check out is Beck; although I can't help but think with it being fairly muscially based that maybe the anime would better, sound and all obviously.
Great, tell us what you think when you get to read them.
You may be right about Beck, though i have heard good things about the manga, it's the anime that i have heard most praise for, and it does have a excellent soundtrack :)

I thought I would revive this thread as the new 'Hot Gimmick S' novel has recently come out.

I've been told that the novel has a different ending to the manga. Currently half way through, not sure what surprises will be in store for me.

I know there are a few Hot Gimmick fans around, so come on guys, what do you think?

And on a general note, how do you feel novels/manga adaptions compare to each other? I'm interested to know what others think...

M.G xx