Higurashi personality test


The Boss
http://www.quizilla.com/quizzes/8237317 ... lity-match

It has major spoilers if you didn't finished higurashi S2

"Takano Miyo

You seem to share your style with the infamous Major Takano. You’re a leader, because you believe you have the right to be. You’ve worked hard for everything you’ve achieved in your life, and that gives you the right to call the shots—it bothers you to see somebody who you feel ‘doesn’t deserve it’ to be put in charge. You know what’s best for others, but you don’t believe this simply out of being arrogant. You have a keen understanding of the human psyche—you understand through the words and actions of others what they want out of life, even if they themselves do not. To you, life isn’t a bed of roses, and the people who just sit around smelling said proverbial flora all day are destined for failure. You’re a consummate professional in everything that you do, and you take perfectionism to a whole new level. When somebody gives you a job to do, they can trust that not only will it be done right; it will be done well. Rules are made to be bent, and you’re proud of your ability to manipulate others into liking you, trusting you, or just doing what you want. You’re not necessarily a cruel person, you just know how to play the game of life really well. Your past is something you’d prefer not to discuss. You are the way you are for a reason, and somewhere back in the annals of your life, something prompted you to start acting this way. It’s a deeply emotional subject, and you’d like to stay off of it. You’re not above doing anything you have to, when it comes to getting the job done. This fact is probably your Achilles’ Heel, and you should take care about the boundaries you cross. You have the potential to weave a very tangled web—it’s best to step back, and make sure you're really as efficient as you think. You don't want to get caught in it yourself...right?"
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I got Rena :D

Ryuuguu Rena
You’re a lot like Rena. You appreciate physical aesthetics, and are visually oriented. Things like a beautiful sunset, a tearjerking story, or an attractive person make your heart skip a beat—but you have your own idea of exactly what fits your definition of these things. You have an eye for details, and you don’t like unanswered questions, if they pertain to you. The flip side is, you learn better when you’re learning about things that interest you—general knowledge is a bit boring. You’d make a good detective—you pick up on cues in other people’s speech well, and you often notice things that other’s don’t. You’re a bit superstitious. Not about breaking mirrors or black cats—rather, to you, everything has eyes. Stuffed animals are watching you. Posters and photographs remind you of people being in a room with you. You talk to the television as if you were expecting it to talk back. Even in a pitch black room, you always tend to feel like a presence is watching you. It’s not necessarily a bad thing—maybe you like the idea of always having a ‘friend’ by your side. Though, it’s probably something you should keep under wraps, because you tend to get vivid when you talk to yourself—people look at you funny when you do that. You’re everybody’s friend, and easy to get along with, but you have a darker aspect to your personality. Your friends love you, but they know where to go, and where not to go. There are certain topics that you have a very strong opinion on, and you can’t abide disagreement. At your best, you can just dismiss it and walk away, but at your worst—you’re compelled to get into a heated argument to defend your point of view. Mking you mad isn’t easy to do, but it’s a really, really bad idea to push you too far. Rather than simmering, you explode when you’re angry, and without even realizing it, you purposefully look for the most hurtful things to say, even if you don’t mean them. Woe betide if anybody were able to cross you far enough to compel you to raise your hand against them…

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I'm Ooishi, as in Detective Ooishi

You and Detective Ooishi would probably raise a glass together. To you, the ‘system’ isn’t at all perfect, but if you didn’t believe in it, you wouldn’t be a part of it. It’s often frustrating, but you have faith in humanity to the point that you at least try to play by the rules—though you have a breaking point, just like everybody else. You are very comfortable with the person you are, and you make no excuses about your actions or feelings. Some people tend to find you brash or irritating for this outlook, but the way others perceive you isn’t enough to make you feel the need to change. You know what you’re good at, and you have the benefit of also enjoying the things you excel in—you apply yourself to said things as often as you can. You don’t really care who calls the shots, so long as people get out of your way and let you do your job. It’d be better to not have to deal with the things the people on top are stuck with, anyway. You have a dry, yet well developed sense of humor. That might have something to do with the fact that while other people are whining and crying about ‘finding themselves’, you love who and what you are. Too many people overthink life, and those who do that spend too much time making a plan, and not enough time executing it. People who don’t know you tend to become frustrated when you give the appearance that you don’t care enough to take on a task quickly and efficiently, but those people don’t understand how your mind works. The adage, ‘slow and steady wins the race’, is a good motto to live by, as far as you’re concerned. Oh, your tasks will be completed, and they will be efficient—but everything you do is going to be done thoroughly and correctly. The answer to every puzzle reveals itself in due course—whether that course be minutes, or decades. They say that fools rush in where angels fear to tread. You’re a long way off from being an angel. “Fools rush in where you know better than to tread” has a much nicer ring to it, wouldn’t you say?
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Sonozaki Shion

You seem to think a lot like Shion. You have your head in the clouds a lot, and you tend to come off as happy-go-lucky and playful. You enjoy friendly teasing, and you have a vivid imagination. You insist that you know your own mind, and you don’t take advice or constructive criticism well. People tend to think you’re a bit stubborn because of this, but you know better than that. Your heart and your trust are closely guarded things, indeed—there’s no way anybody could understand them the way you do. You’re a hopeless romantic, to a fault. There’s somebody out there for you, and even if you haven’t met them yet, it’s only a matter of time. Nobody gets between you and your lover—nobody. Not your family, and not your friends. That’s probably one of the only ways a person could really push you over the edge, but it’s definitely not somewhere any reasonable person wants to go. You never forget a slight, and you believe in revenge. You’ll get yours, no matter how long it takes. One of your biggest problems is, you have a hard time determining when enough is enough. Pranks, nagging, the need to get even—whatever it is, you tend to get into things over your head, and just like lying, one action covers another until you find yourself making poor choices. By the time you realize the consequences of your actions, it may be too late. Take care to be cognizant of this…

Better than some, I guess X]
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ayase said:
Slightly scared by chaos' result. :eek:
Scaringly enough, it's all true.

I do have a "whatever it takes" attitude towards life , although I'm restrained by my strong values and beliefs.
And I'm also a strong believer taht everything ends up just fine (provided you just don't sit there and wait for things to fall into place on their own).
Oh dear, guess I don't play too much of an active role :lol:

Houjou Satoshi

You and Satoshi have something of a similar mindset. You come off as a kind, level headed, easygoing person—you tend to gather admirers more easily than friends, however. It’s not hard for you to be this way. You’re above things like gossip, and you’re not afraid of others tarnishing your name. You’re confident that you strike an upstanding enough figure that your actions will speak for themselves. Your breaking point under stress might be your biggest weakness. When too many things start weighing on you all at once, you feel the need to escape. Others find it nice that you don’t anger easily, but to you, anger is just another stressor to be avoided. The desire to avoid stress tends to make you an easygoing, if not a little bit easier to manipulate, than most. There’s one surefire way somebody could set you off, however. Your family is extremely important to you. Regardless of whether or not you’re the older or younger sibling, or whether you’re the parent or the child, you feel a strong need to look out for your own kin. You take this relationship very seriously—you’re always there to respond to an insult, or fire back against anyone who’s perceived as an opponent to your blood. It’s important to be careful just how far you take this, and try to weigh out the consequences of your actions. You’re the type to take matters into your own hands, and to the extreme, when it comes to this type of ‘protection’. You don’t just give your trust away freely—others have to earn it from you. There are a lot of reason a person could have for this, but for you, you’ve been stung by those you thought you could trust before, and the pain from these experiences has led you to guard your feelings more strongly than you used to.
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Heh, they wait until the last question before trying to establish whether or not the person answering has acually seen the show. I haven't. What you gonna do about it, eh?

Rena, incidentally. Whoever that is.
I got Furude Rika niipaa ^_^

You have a similar mindset to Rika. Regardless of your physical age, you feel like you’ve seen it all, and it’s rare that something surprises you. On the upside, you’re usually in control of your emotions, and possess the strength to ‘detach’ yourself, to view a given topic from a non-partisan standpoint. On the downside, you find yourself wishing there was something new on the horizon. It would be nice to encounter something that could truly move you—whether it be to joy, tears, or even anger. Life goes on, and the actions of one person really aren’t going to make that much difference in the long run. Maybe it has something to do with the difficulty you have in expressing yourself, but you tend to feel like other people don’t really understand you. You come off as having everything nicely tied together in your life, but deep down inside, you wish there was somebody you could be dependant upon and put your utmost trust in—somebody you never had a keep a secret from. You’re not maladjusted or anything like that. As a matter of fact, you know exactly how to act in any social situation, and though you disagree, others think you would shine in a career that deals with the public. To you, though, all of that comes naturally, because it’s all just a part of your many masks. You’re going through the motions, just like everybody else—you just happen to be really good at it. You have a habit for being pessimistic, but it’s only because you feel a bit jaded regarding life in general. There’s gotta be something more to life than this, but it might take until your next go around to find it. Despite all that, though, you appreciate the people that care about you. Nobody sees you the way you see yourself, and the people who love you hold you in far higher regard than you would expect. Your skill with ‘faces’ is something you’re thankful for, as you manage to maintain a positive opinion of yourself in the minds of others. The friendship of your friends means a lot to you. Someday, life is going to get more exciting. Hopefully, there’s nothing you did in the past to screw that up.
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fabricatedlunatic said:
Rena, incidentally. Whoever that is.
fabricatedlunatic said:
I can't believe that cute lil' thing is as insane and twisted as me.

Well, the description of the character is something on the lines of "her weapon of choice is a butchers cleaver"

You mentioned you haven't seen this series yet. Me and many others around here highly recommend it. Only problem is that the second season, which explains everything was not released in English, so you might need to find alternatives ways to watch it.

It's an absolutely brilliant series - the way it wraps up everything at the end is particularly rewarding.
It's a series that I'm definitely interested in watching. I'm waiting for Right Stuf to dump the singles into their bargain bin, something they tend to do once a cheaper collection has been released, so it might happen soon...
fabricatedlunatic said:
It's a series that I'm definitely interested in watching. I'm waiting for Right Stuf to dump the singles into their bargain bin, something they tend to do once a cheaper collection has been released, so it might happen soon...
Has the license been picked up by anyone again then? I thought it was Geneon as with Geneon going MIA...
chaos said:
fabricatedlunatic said:
It's a series that I'm definitely interested in watching. I'm waiting for Right Stuf to dump the singles into their bargain bin, something they tend to do once a cheaper collection has been released, so it might happen soon...
Has the license been picked up by anyone again then? I thought it was Geneon as with Geneon going MIA...

Funimation has it currently, it was one of their rescues. However they appear to be simply sitting on it instead of doing anything with it (you know like releasing Higurashi Kai)
fabricatedlunatic said:
Funimation will be releasing the first series collection next month. Still no word on the sequel.
Oh, this is very good news. I love this series and I'd definitely get the sequel and the OVA, id released.