Hi guys!


Completely Average High School Student
Hey guys! Call me Kawasaki, just thought I'd introduce myself! I've been watching anime for the best part of 4-5 years but only recently have I had the free time to finally start binge watching all the anime I've wanted to! I'm looking forward to getting to know you all, and am hoping to watch as much anime as I can before I start working come the end of July.

If it's any indication of my tastes, here are the last three anime that I've watched-

-Detroit Metal City

I don't have a particular favourite genre, I'm open to everything really. My other interests include videogames, and I have a weakness for JRPGs (except, rather oddly, the Final Fantasy series). I'm looking forward to picking up Xenoblade Chronicles on my 3DS soon and I'm desperately looking forward to Persona 5!

Anyway, thanks for reading and I hope to get to know you all! If you have any recommendations of anime that I should try, then please do let me know!
Welcome to the forum! I too am looking forward to Persona 5 more than anything else I can think of. Here's hoping Atlus EU doesn't screw us over.
IncendiaryLemon said:
Welcome to the forum! I too am looking forward to Persona 5 more than anything else I can think of. Here's hoping Atlus EU doesn't screw us over.
Even if they do (which they probably will), I'll just import from the US as I did with P4G. Just started my fourth playthrough in an attempt to get that damn platinum!
Yeah, I'll end up doing that. Good luck with the plat. I have like 95% of the trophies. I would maybe start a new playthough but Harcore Risette Fan is a massive pain. The only others I need are the Skill Card one and the Book Reading one.
Yeah, Hardcore Risette fan is the trophy I'll be prioritizing during this playthrough. Not too sure how I should approach it though, maybe I should avoid leveling up too quickly. Also, I need to beat Margaret and get the 'Big Bro is Concerned' trophy.