Hi ^^ *gives out cookies*

Fluorite Kaz said:
Sephi's the Staff Manager for Auchinawa - the Scottish anime con.
There's a Scottish anime con? Zomg. When, where?
it was first held in 2006 then again in 2008.
It runs every second year in November - next one is 2010 but details are yet to be announced :) I'll relay info as I get it - in other words I raid the boyfriends folders :p

but it's 300 capacity and lots of fun ^^
if you're in Scotland you should check out Glasgow Anime - we hold monthly meets which I help run ^^
Ah, another fellow scot! which rock are you all hiding behind these days =/ Welcome anywho!

First off, gotta say i'm glad there is more people who enjoy Spicy Wolf about, its a nice show which some people may turn a blind eye on due to its merchant talk. Have you started to look into the new season by any chance?

Funnily enough, i still have the likes of my NES, gamegear and such in working order, and some of the games for them would be great to play again as well

With your radio station, you start at 8pm, how long do you broadcast for generally?
teorau said:
I actually know Craig (Conan) personally....if it's the same one im thinking of - opinionated, otakuish but pretty harmless XD
He used to run the anime society for my old university :)
That's him all right =)

Anyway, I've listened to your radio the other day and yes, I like it =)