Hi from a UK anime and manga fan.

Thanks for the welcome! I'm looking forward to finding some new anime and manga and joining in, especially now i've finally got my long awaited anime order today. I just need to clear some more shelf space!
Sounds fun, I'd rather live in a castle than within a cloud any day!

Im one of the old fashioned types that will avoid cloud storage or streaming wherever possible, there's just something about browsing shelves and picking up a physical copy that I prefer. It also stops me from binge watching/reading, which I would do given half a chance.
Sounds fun, I'd rather live in a castle than within a cloud any day!

Im one of the old fashioned types that will avoid cloud storage or streaming wherever possible, there's just something about browsing shelves and picking up a physical copy that I prefer. It also stops me from binge watching/reading, which I would do given half a chance.

Welcome to the club 😉👍 @Neil.T and I are of the "old skool" (though Neil does enjoy his Crunchy Rolling to sample things then if he enjoys it he can buy it if he wants to). I love my CDs - I never could get into mp3s or Spotify!
I have to say we also have a rather large CD collection and a few LP's (though no player at the moment as it died). I have to admit i'm not above a bit of Crunchyroll sampling if it's something i'm wavering on buying.