Hi All


Completely Average High School Student
I've been a casual Anime fan for a while. I used to watch Anime films on Channel 4 back in the 90's (when C4 was actually any good), but only recently started to get into it more seriously. I've piled up about 50 Anime titles in my Screenselect account, so I'm just watching them as they arrive.

I recently started reading Mangas too. I started off with MPD-Psycho scanlations after enjoying the Takashi Miike TV series. After that, a few friends recommended some titles, so I went and bought a few volumes. Now I'm pretty hooked.

So, I've been looking for a decent Anime/Manga community to join up to, and that's how I wound up here.

Looking forward to joining in the discussions, and getting some tips off you veterans. :wink:
Thanks for the welcomes. :D

Travis Radisson said:
Welcome the forum, person-with-an-avvie-that-looks-slightly-familiar aka Nishizono. :p

What series is that avatar from btw?

It's from Biohunter. It's not a series though, just an OAV from the mid-90's.

Not one of the best, but it makes a cool avatar for now, until I can come up with something better. :D