Hey there folks


Completely Average High School Student
HI im spike :)
I'm 15 and incredibly cute ;) lol
I'm one of Feis Animeism Convert o.o ( You see it's all her fault! )

I am CONVINCED! Father remminton from Chrono ( sigh <3) Crusade is evil. However Fei is DERTERMIND! Otherwise.. What do you guys think?
( Say i'm right.. you get cookies ;) )

Oh! i've just been nudged to say Fei is otherwise none as XxFrozen_NekoxX

Who is'ent amazingly as cute as i >P She's too much like Osaka from Azumanga daioh, where i am like Tomo :p

I'm pritty new to anime so welcome to any new reccomendations and i will learn! ... eventually ^^;;
Hope to see you all around soon, and looking forward to posting :) See you soon!

Oh and...

I AM A GIRL! just so you know o.o
Cute!? no!!! you are evil! incredibly evil!! you chrono fan girl >P

Just 'coz i'm slow ¬.¬ sides being like tomo is nothing to boast about -.- Have fun spikey ^_^
Welcome to the forums!

Good to see a fellow Chrono Crusade fan here - that show is great! :D

If you enjoy that you might want to check out Hellsing which is creepy, stylish and very cool indeed.
god damn it neko stop introducing people who love the same animes as you

i went 40 mins thinking Spike-Rage was you :D

welcome to the mad house and yes father remminton must be evil after all if you've seen the end of chrono crusade the good guys always win and it wasn't him :)
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