Hey! ^_^

Rukia Kuchiki

Completely Average High School Student
Hi!,I''m new here and like probably everyone else on here love anime and manga :lol: .I'm 15 years old and male and I love Bleach!, Sailor Moon,Chobits,FMA,and Inuyasha are just a few of my other favourites.errr....so I think that's it ^_^.
Hi Rukia!

You have good taste as you like Sailor Moon! lol. *is biased* :)

Welcome to the forums, we hope you have a good time here!

And join us in our IRC chan! :twisted: Bwhahahaha!
Hi! and welcome :D
You had me stumped, as until you said you were male, I assumed you were female - not just the user name, but your anime list! I'm a major Sailor Moon fan myself - my #1 anime of all time and I've seen over 300 different anime, but nothing comes close :wink:
Saluations Rukia!

I also hope you have a nice time around here; we also have an IRC channel but it's not for the faint-hearted, or really for the sane either.

Welcome to the forums, good taste, and great avatar.
Thanks everyone!,yeah I'm a big fan of Sailor Moon.And lucky for me I have seen Sailor Moon classic all the way through to Stars :D.And I've seen up to episode 41 of Bleach so far.Anyway it's good to know I'm welcome here ^_^.
Hiya Rukia, welcome to the forums and what I`ve been happily assured is a insane asylum for anime nuts with lovely padded walls.
Thanks everyone!.Sounds like my kind of place! XD.It's good to know there are lots of Sailor Moon and Bleach fans,and anime fans in general!.
welcome welcome....enjoy ur stay....and if u r insane..u will fit in perfectly..i ain't insane though....oh well.....i never fit in. :( .....