Hellsing OVA update


Stand User
According to a news update on AnimeOnDVD, the new Hellsing OVA is due to begin in Japan at the end of this year. The OVA (which is set to be based more on the manga than the original TV series) is featuring input from the manga author Kouta Hirano. The project is said to be considered as open-ended until the manga ends, although a three year run, with episodes lasting 35 minutes is the estimate.
Pretty awesome news if you ask me. I love the harsh gothic vibe in Hellsing and more involvement from Kouta Hirano can only be a good thing.
Hopefully this will come armed with the riotous gore and macabre style that made the manga so enjoyable, from the tidbits I've read this could be an adaptation as faithful as Sin City . Hirano's involvement is also a good sign and I can't wait to see what they come up with.
IanC said:
As long as Geneon get the English cast back. Bet they wont tho :(

I'd certainly like a return of Crispin Freeman for the dub track (however unlikely). Hopefulyl they will at least make an attempt for this.
Hellsing Petition

I'm new to this site because I neglected to notice that the British liked anime too... instead I researched the American stuff so I'm very happy to find stuff at home... *smiles*

Anyway sorry about that... onto the subject. Crispin Freeman has shown an interest in wishing to reprize the role of Alucard... however Geneon, who have the rights to the dub are going to be the ones who decide whether the voice work will be union or non-union... if it is the latter due to contracts he would be unable to reclaim Alucard, which I believe that the reason that he didn't get Joker back for R.O.D. the TV... though I haven't seen that yet so I wouldn't know if JB Blanc does Joker any better - I know he did Maxwell in the Hellsing series and the random priest guy in the first episode... though I found the TV series tame when compared to the Manga... *sniggers*. But that isn't the point...


That is the point... sign this petition which was written by some fans in the US, and Crispin Freeman has actually said that he would... I shall quote from the site,
"I would love to play Alucard again! Sign me up!" -[Crispin Freeman - Anime Voice Actor/Director]
You know I found it really funny that I should find this on a web site!

Anyway... sign away! I'm not sure how many people have signed it now but meh.

Continuing to unravel the plot began in the early parts of the anime and in the manga, I presume.

Great news, anyway, I can't wait for an adaption of the latter volumes of the superlative manga.
Ramen89 said:
So is this starting all over again or continuing after the anime?

As its following the manga it will be starting again.

Personally im not concerned about the English cast given how good the japanese cast where the English one just cant compare, Joji Nakata is easily the best evil b**tard seiyuu there is, Yoshiko Sakakibara (the most prolific Gundam bad guy) was great as Integra and Fumiko Orikasa will do a great job with the less subdued manga version of Seras so im just happy the three of them will be returning
i never really like the english cast to much they sounds to english for me but the person who play Alucard was very good and i would to see him play Alucard again.
I did enjoy the dub in general, Alucard, Anderson and Integra all had good voices, although S/Cerus's voice made me cringe a fair bit. The two "biker" vampires in episode two also have such hilarious accents I am always in fits of laughter at the way they speak, and also some of their more colourful dialouge. Its so bad, its good.

In a way for the Hellsing OVA dub it would be nice to hear not as outragously hilarious accents (im hoping the OVA will be a lot darker than the TV series) , but it is perhaps a given already that there will be. Damn sterotypes. :p
Oh the Biker vampires... LOL. I'm not ever sure I knew where they were from but in the book you get the idea that some of the accents are a little weird. I can't decide if all of the voice cast were English... I wonder if they got any Brits to actually work on the dub or whether they were bloody good at acting. I know that Alucard was voiced by an American.
I quite liked the dub but for all the wrong reasons I'm afraid, judging by the abundance of 'Mary Poppins Cockney' accents I think the core cast must have been from the US.

Mangaminx: I'd say the anime is a little darker than the manga, the manga takes a more warped, tongue in cheek approach than the series, the gore is definitely more full on but there's a vein of pitch black humour that's as twisted as it is funny.