
Urzu seven

Dandy Guy, in Space
Hi there,I'am a 37 yr old anime fan living in ireland.I first got into anime way back in the 90's when manga ent brought out akira.I was amazed at how grown up and mature it was and the visiuals brew me away,after that i bought every release they brought out eg. wicked city,rg veda,heroic legend of arislan and ghost in the shell to name but a few.However despite some other players coming into the market such as kiseki films(gunbuster & macross) and animeigo (bubblegum crisis & riding bean) the amount of titles dried up,remember this was before online retailers and dvd.So gradually I drifted away from the scene,until that is six months ago when after getting home from work I was flicking through the channels on sky and I came across anime central on ch 199.Gits S.A.C was showing at the time and i was amazed once more by anime and I sat there watching this great show thinking to myself ,"what have I been missing".Since then I 've been on a bit of an anime spending spree trying to buy as much as I can.So thats my story ,sorry if the post is a bit long but I did'nt realise how much I've missed anime all those years and it feels great to be back.

There are older anime fans around than me. Similar story to myself got into anime around 15-16 (approx 18 years ago). Then of course there was limited releases and it was very expensive so ended up watching it only now and again, then for a few years hardly at all. When I went to Uni intrest started up again borrowing bits and pieces from friends, then when I left Uni I did not have the money to buy stuff so it went on a backburner for a while. However in the last 4-5 years it seems to have taken over my life more and more spending a larger part of my disposable income with each new release.
I'm amazed you, at 37, do not know the ancient art of leaving a space after full stops and paragraph breaks. This is indeed deep.

...oh well, I'm sure you're a nice person and all. Welcome.
Hello and welcome; quite a few Irish fans about!

It's much easier to read posts if they are typed out more clearly but no worries this time :)

my story is pretty similar to yours, main difference is that I"m Brazilian :)

Akira really made a difference. What brought me back to anime was Samurai X - reflection though.
Hey Hey and welcome to the forums. Hah tis easy to see where you got your name from, seeing as its the same place i got it from. Have you read the novels of Full Metal Panic at all?

Bar that enjoy your stay here.