Hello people <3

Arbalest said:
Howdy hi hi and welcome to the forums. I think it might be an idea to put a warning up when new people join the forums to watch out for unellmay, i advise not to take him seriously.

Anyway, tis good to see you like FMP at least, though i can see why so many maybe put off mecha. Have you watched Hellsing ultimate by any chance?

Mutsumi kinda beat me to it, but yeah if you have anything you want to show us in terms of artwork, feel free to post it up.

Thanks and yeah i love hellsing Ultimate, i'm always looking forward to the next eps, defently one of the well made animes i've ever seen.
Zin5ki said:
Hello to you, auranna!
Though you've disclosed with us some rather personal details already, pray tell us what Swindon is like.
I've heard the place is quite an enigma- it allegedly has many roundabouts.

oh yeah there's a place called the magic roundabout. i think it has like 9 (guessing) roundabouts in one lil area. i personally find it very dangerous. Good thing i don't own a car