Hello all!


Completely Average High School Student
Been watching anime for AGES, I started with Akira and then all the other vids that were on the "Manga" label, then I moved on to a shady mail order list offering coppied vcds - at this early age was when I discovered how much more I enjoyed subs over dubs.

I got online as soon as I could, found nice REAL dvds, in cases and everything! :) Also with my slooooow dial-up, I started finding fansubbed eps to download, (even if it took days just to get one half hour ep) not the easiest thing to do in the days before p2p and me being to stupid to know what to do with newsgroups. (I still am btw)

Now I've got a nice fast connection, a big hard drive or three for fansubs, (that regularly need to be dumped onto dvds) a bookcase full of anime dvds and an ever growing obsession.

I am otaku, I am proud. I will shut up now.
Hey hey and welcome to the forums. i always hated getting things with dial-up but its much easier now with the handiness of broadband
Arigato for the warm welcome mina-san. Ok, enough with the Japanenglish- not big or clever.

Hope I can fit in here and find some like minded people who won't look at me like I've just pooed in my hand and say, "You watch CARTOONS!?" Like when I try and convert people in the pub. :)

I'm off for a snoop round the forums and see what's going on. Thanks again for the welcome.
