Hatsune Miku Project Diva f coming to the west in 2014


Monsieur Monster
AUKN Staff
I guess SEGA were happy with how Project Diva F performed, because the Vita version is due out in North America and Europe early next year.

I preordered it 2 weeks ago because I figured it wouldn't cost much more than the PSN only version of the first game (well unless I import it which costs just as much... or even more for the american version) and while I can 'play' the game in its's basic function. I can't read Kanji so... I won't be able to utilize the video creation or any of the other features. Kinda regret that choice now, at least with Yakuza 5 it felt justified because there's videos on the net with subtitled cutscens so I'll still get to the follow the story.