Harvest Moon, anyone play it?


Baka Ranger
If you've come to this topic to say the games are crap, by all means go ahead. =D

Now... I recently began playing Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town of the GBA and I cannot put it down it is serious fun[Natsume tag line, lol.] it's so addictive and really makes the hours fly by.

So anyone like the series at all?
I liked the SNES version and loved the PS1 game 'back to nature'.

Unfortunately, when I got hold of the 'special edition' of the PS2 version, the special apparently meant that the game drags slower than a cow with four busted knees. Going in and out of each building results in another 'loadiiing' message. I'd steer clear of the PS2 version at all costs.
I think I have 'It's a wonderful life' for the Gamecube. I think it's quite sweet but I kinda got bored with it when the characters kept saying the same thing to me everyday.
The Game Boy Color version absolutely took over me and my friend's summer holiday in 2000.

There's nothing more fun than brushing a cow named Hulk and watching it blow bubbles from its nose.
Yes Back to Nature for the PS1 was the best with all the lego like people and that damn doctoer (CURSE YOU TO HELL)