

A new anime series is taking Japan by storm as we speak - Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu, or The Melancholy Of Suzumiya Haruhi.

I'm just working my way through some fansubs, and I must say that it's really good.

Anyone else seen/heard of it?
Saw a couple of episodes and thought it was ok. I haven't been bothered to watch anymore episodes since then though.
adamcube said:
There's going to be a secondary series?

Thakyo for delivering this information!


A second series hasn't been confirmed. Although this series concentrated mainly with the first novel, meaning they still have plenty of material. I am half way through the 2nd one.

Incidentally, the (Japanese) DVD release will have the episodes in proper chronological order.

Also, can you class it as "taking by storm" when it just finished?
adamcube said:
There's going to be a secondary series?

Thakyo for delivering this information!

OMG OMG OMG!!! You sound a lot like Mistral from .hack!
*Chaz goes on a hugging spree* :D Sorry, but it had to be done!

May look into these series at ANN. Have no idea what it is. :p
I watched the full series and quite enjoyed it. Not really up to all the hype (what hyped series is?) but its great fun and quite a refreshing change from most other high school comedy shows.

Try watching the episodes in chronological rather than broadcast order if you can - I spotted details I missed first time around and my appreciation of the series as a whole improved.
I am planning on watching them in chronological order soon.

Sorry about my over the top excitement, I just really like this series for some reason....
adamcube said:
There's going to be a secondary series?

No. Nothing has been announced.

The runaway success of it, does scream sequel, but Kyoto Animation are not a big studio, and they are going to have their hands full with the Kanon remake (in Japan this was a big deal - it was bigger news than Haruhi Suzumiya, right up to the minute when Akihabara got cleaned out of Haruhi merchandise, manga,novels & music).
I thought I'll check out what all the fuss was about,and I'm glad I did :D .

I sat down and watched the entire series in one sitting(some episodes more than once).

My favourite episode was "Live a Live",the quailty of the animation when the band was playing blew me away.

Did anybody else think there was a touch of Eva in the scenes with the Blue Giants.
Haruhi was originally a series of light novels that started in 2003 with the 8th novel being out in Japan in May 2006.

The Anime mainly consisted of the first novel (The Melancholy of ..), with a few bits from the other novels.

There is also a manga, which is aimed at a younger audience and a radio drama.