Hardest game you played


Stand User
What games would you say are the hardest you've played.

The sorts of games that cause you to buy a new tv because you chucked the old one out your window because of frustration.

Or a new console because you kicked the old one into the wall :shock:
dmc3 was mine

dante must die mode so very hard :cry:

I'm not the best gamer but c'mon :evil:
I got stuck on a game called strider once when i had to climb up a tunnel that gets smaller and tries to crush you, was stuck for months untill a very helpfull episode of Games Master helped me out (You can see how long ago im talking about just with that statement, games master rocked back in the day LOL) but other than that ive always managed to find a way in most games that ive played.
If i had to pick the hardest game i ever played it would proberly be FF VII which is why I liked it so much, its weird to think how hard I found this game the first time I played it considering that now I can preety much just breeze through it and know exactly where to go, I know the game better than the back off my hand now 8)
By really, really far:

A completely different type of difficulty, Alundra has some really unfair puzzles. If you manage to complete that game without a guide, you're pretty intelligent.
If you mean Alundra 2, they aren't too hard, Alundra one, i am yet to actually play it so i dunno, but i think i may be able to handle it.
Hardest game i have played..hmmm...well i don't really know actually, i have hundreds of games but i dunno which one i would say is the hardest. need to think on that i think.
The Running Man on the Commodore Amiga. Two reasons it was one of the hardest video games I've ever played was because (i) the odds you were up against from the off was disturbing and (ii) the controls were so appallingly bad you had no good means in which to conquer the already silly "odds" you were up against.

In fact, its one of - if not THE worst - video games I've ever played. To all those people who think Lara Croft: Tomb Raider - The Angel Of Darkness (to name it in full), Enter The Matrix and Devil May Cry 2 are amongst the worst video games ever made, play this one and you'll realise the standards for even the weakest games in this day and age are MASTERCLASS compared to how they were in the so-called "golden age" of video games in the eighties and early nineties (bollocks in my opinion, and I've grown-up with video games during their earliest days). :)
One of the hardest games I have ever played are on the Amiga, Original Ghouls and Ghosts, that games was brutally difficult.

DMC2 also holds one of the tops spots in my collection. Alundra on the PSOne was not so hard I managed to complete it but one of the puzzles (sliding Ice Statues) I had to give up on and in the end consulted an online guide.
I would also say that Ikaruga was a big challenge for me, since video games have become a lot more forgiving these days I could choose a retro game which are far more brutal but my head hurts when I think back to my childhood so I'll stick with Ikaruga, great arcade shooter.
Arbalest said:
If you mean Alundra 2, they aren't too hard, Alundra one, i am yet to actually play it so i dunno, but i think i may be able to handle it.

No, not Alundra 2. That's a simple game, if not as bad as everyone said. The original Alundra is insanely puzzling.
Sage said:
By really, really far:


i agree, although i managed to finish the game around 3 times...and thats it hehe.
its still an awsome game...

another game i must say is hard has to be F-ZERO GX for the cube...it took me months but i completed all the cups on everysingle difficulty...thats right...even 'master' mode!
I've played that many games in the past that I couldn't name an offline game. However I do remember the pain and suffering from Final Fantasy XI. You NEED a party to level up, NEED money which is had to get, game is full of gold buyers/sellers so everything is overpriced.
Fun none the less but is very hard once you get around lvl 50+ think I quit at lvl 60 because I couldn't be bothered anymore. (For anyone that played FFXI I was a thief, no one wants to party with a thief :( )
I love Japanese kids selling me money :D

Oh i can see i'm gonna have fun with this company

Regerstration closed till the 11th of january *eye twitches*
Been a long time since I played, its ok I guess nothing special. The feature that lets you talk cross languages is good, basically you can party with japanese and still communicate healthly. Although like mentioned, the game revolves around money a lot, but other than that its lots of fun, I unlocked all the 16-ish jobs.
One thing I just remembered is you need to do missions for your "region" and you will need to get a party to do this. Some are a pain and some are fun, but sometimes you can find yourself searching for a party for a long time (spamming messages in the town centres for teammates.etc).
At least people work together.

I played Wow for a week and everyone ignored each other and solo'ed same with runescape that was fairly dull.
I got bored with online play, used to play Diablo 2 but got given loads of stuff by other players when I signed in, a real quality atmos but nowadays I just can't get back into them, as I love my normal off line games more, although I do play counterstrike online