Happy Easter


School Idol
Have a good Easter, citizens of Anime UK News!

This might sound a bit random, but in town yesterday, I saw a giant Egg with Legs and a chef with a huge hat on, dancing around town. The things people do for this holiday....
I celebrated the occasion with a packet of mini eggs.

I don't know how I managed to eat a whole chocolate egg as a kid without being sick. Just the idea of attempting the same now is enough to make me feel nauseous.

Happy Easter.
It isn't the eggs that have gotten me stuffed: it was the Easter buffet! *Stomach groans from a bursting capacity*

Hope everybody's having a great Easter.
ayase said:
I celebrated by nailing an egg to the cross.

(Points for anyone who gets that reference) ;)
I get points! That's a reference to the storage of Lilith in Neon Genesis Evangelion, is it not?

Regardless, happy Easter chaps and chapettes!
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I still have another whole egg to eat, although today I only ate a Creme Egg that came with my other. Sickening but lovely!
A belated happy easter to ye all. I've still got an egg and 3/4 to eat here as well, and thats a week after having my easter meal(we had it early since i was at home and the family was together, the usual family excuse)