Happy Birthday Arby

Many thanks! I didn't exactly do much over the last day bar go out for a meal. Internet was down until now as well so it's been a fairly slow-going on that front too.

@vash: A picture of me on the interwebs is liking trying to find a needle in a world sized haystack, as in, basically impossible ;p May have to wait on that front.
Arbalest said:
Many thanks! I didn't exactly do much over the last day bar go out for a meal. Internet was down until now as well so it's been a fairly slow-going on that front too.

@vash: A picture of me on the interwebs is liking trying to find a needle in a world sized haystack, as in, basically impossible ;p May have to wait on that front.

Fear not, i took a picture of him at the expo years ago as we had a pint...

So whats the starting bid? ;)