Guyver volume 6

sanji no 1

Vampire Ninja
Just to let you all know Guyver volume 6 is out 25-5-08. YAY!!!!
Does anyone on this website like the Guyver? I hardly see anyone talk about it.
I never see anyone talking about this series, really. ADV really done a good job marketing it, so it's peculiar that it's never spoken about.
Guyver is brilliant. Its one of the few series that I watch in the dub version instead of subbed as I think the voice actors did such a great job with it.
I liked the series, saw it all on anime networks slot on propellor, its rewatchable. Of course some of the character redesigns annoyed me a bit (not a point if this is the first guyver you had ever seen or heard of :p ) as i was expecting them to stick close to the manga in terms of character appearances. I was happy to learn that the creator had a say on what went on in the show and that he got make some of the bigger choices like keeping Guyver 2 alive longer. Of course the biggest downfall of the series is the ending...Seriously this show needs a season 2, there is still a lot left of the guyver manga to cover Also i want Agito to show of his Gigantic Dark form
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