Paul said:
Not as much anti-environmentalist as pro-human.
Drifting a bit here but personally I think they're the same. I mean when push comes to shove you either believe nature should be subserviant to human demands or you don't.
Paul said:
While the most ardent environmentalists might believe that humanity is so corrupt that all hope is lost and the destruction of nature is at hand, Gurren Lagann suggests that we're a fundamentally good natured species capable of co-existing with everything else.
Personally I think it leaves the question of man's relationship with nature ambigious. Simon says that they won't destroy the universe but he doesn't explain how. What he is sure of though is that humans should continue to evolve technologically and culturally. In the end it's really about two conflicting impluses within the human mind. Fear of risk versus dissatisfaction with your situation.