Gundam Unicorn not going to the BBFC!?

Conan-san said:
kupocake said:
Just hope this doesn't rule out any later compilation release. Because honestly, only the hardcore are that interested in getting 1/6th of a release every half a year. I understand how OVAs snowball financially and all, but really, there's probably too much of a cultural difference in home video for a 50 minute, six volume release to be attempted on any greater scale than this anyway.

I wouldn't worry bout that for a good long while (try 5 or so years)
I'm pretty sure kupo is aware of the timescale for the release of something like UC, given that *it is mentioned in the post you quoted*.
I also know what it's like to have to deal with "someone" whom I'll guess is in an office "somewhere else" cluelessly making "global decisions" that those on the ground floor has to "fix" unnecessarily. However having said that, I thought anything Gundam was considered popular enough that going the BBFC route would be warranted, but I'll also guess that that was one of the bullet points in your argument back to that "someone" as well Andrew. The Peter Principal at work, (or not as the case might be). :wink: