Greetings to all!


Greetings to all indeed! Have decided to take the plunge and finally join a forum

This one looked friendly and fun so in the immortal words of Ash " I choose You"

groan sorry for the lame pokemon quote but i found my old game boy the other day and found my copy of pokemon red, O though were the days indeed , a simple time of a boy and his gameboy, no hand held devices jokes needed lol

so yeah anyway i digress... i enjoy anime immensly here are a few choice series i own or have seen. Bleach, Hellsing, Naruto, Ranma, Inuyasha, Full metal panic, Full metal alchimeist, Tenchi Muyo, s.CRY.ed, Vampire Princess Muyo, Nadesico, Excel saga, Dragon Ball Z, Gokudo, Flame of Recca, Fushigi Yugi, 3X3 Eyes, Castle in the Sky, Kikis Delivery Service, Spirtied Away, Metropolis, Appleseed, Sky Blue, Ninja Scroll, Angelic Layer and Chobits!!!

looking back i have way too much time on my hands lol
anyway i hopes to converse with fellow minded peeps on a variety of topics!!!!

From one newb to another: welcome to the forum. :p

Neo-Anubis said:
Vampire Princess Muyo
[from box cover] Miyu is a normal vampire who accidentally releases a powerful werewolf from its ancient hiding place. Soon afterwards, she runs into a shinma prince, his sister, the ghost of a policewoman and, of course, all the problems that come with having to save the world. Go Miyu! Go right side up! :mrgreen:

Sorry, couldn't resist that. #^^;#

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