
Aion said:
It's slow, boring and up its own ****. The fights are laughably bad due to the low budget; there's never any movement.

The extras make me laugh since the voice acting cast talk about how deep and dark Gilgamesh a dark room with candles to set the mood. I didn't know what was worse; an amateur American voice acting cast all saying the same things (deep, dark, etc) in an attempt to make the series sound better than it actually is or watching the dull episodes.

Am I the only person that doesn't care about fights in anime on this forum? :eek:
It's a show about psychics, people with superhuman powers, at war with each other. When the trailers (the best thing about Gilgamesh) focus on action, making out it's thrilling, it's bloody frustrating to discover it's so low budget that there isn't any proper fighting in the series.

But, it wasn't the low budget that stopped it being good; it was everything else. The plot wasn't interesting, the pace was too slow, the characters were mostly poor and undeveloped, the character design wasn't the best and the soundtrack had mostly average tracks. Like all stories lacking in the plot department, it played up the mystery in an attempt to hide the weakness of the story, but in the end it worked it against it.

The only character (and only thing in general) I liked about the series was the main characters sister, and she gets killed off.
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Aion said:
The only character (and only thing in general) I liked about the series was the main characters sister, and she gets killed off.
She gets better.
jonboy said:
Am I the only person that doesn't care about fights in anime on this forum? :eek:
Nah just the only one who's actually said it. A good fight scene will help, but if it sucks i'll just read a book until its over. Problem is that if a series main focus is of show doesn't leave much else to talk about.
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jonboy said:
Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
I saw a few episodes of this on some random music channel on Sky a little while back. Truth be told, I think the character designs are awful and whole thing looks quite boring. Didn't really interest me, and it was a little confusing (Yeah, I know it's to be expected from seeing random parts, but it put me off nonetheless).

What is it you don't like about the character designs? Gothic?

It is true that it starts slow but when it gets into its stride it becomes much better. There is much worse, less original stuff out there.

I can't really see how their character designs are Gothic. And even if they were, they'd give the whole "Gothic character design" a bad name.

To me, my friend, they don't at all look appealing. And rather than giving the story a chance, I'd much rather see other animu I have on my "To See" list ^^.