

So, I'm watching the first volume as wel speak. I've seen the first two or three episodes so far and it seems very interesting. I think I will look more into the story behind Gilgamesh after watching the DVD as well, since it may help me better understand what I just saw and what I will see later in the series.

The whole morphing into monsters and using giant rainbow-colored spheres to fight sort of caught me off-guard at first. Not because it was surprising, but it didn't have the "Wow" factor you'd expect from the battle scenes. But after seeing a few other scenes I think it improves later on. I'm curious to know if the two kids' father is really still alive somewhere and I'm totally confused in which 'faction' to believe in. The Gilgamesh or the so-called "Devil Children"?
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Holy crap, not even a single reply? Do you people hate this series that much? I'm posting to update the situation, I've watched the entire first volume properly now and although it wasn't as striking as Otogi Zoshi it was still quite interesting and the art style was a little refreshing for me as I don't have any series' which are quite like it.

The battle scenes didn't impress me that much and the legend of Gilgamesh doesn't even interest me but I am still compelled to finding out what happens to the main characters and who are truly the bad guys in this secret war that is being waged. Come on guys, let's get some discussion going. This is deffinately an above average series and deserves at least a little bit of attention, no?
Have patience my child, we are not all able to buy a mass amount of DVD's at low-low prices through teh intranets, now, I have not seen this series, though I show interest in it and it's meant to be unfold as the story progresses so when the time comes on my birthday I shall purchase this show and maybe then I shall discuss this with you, if you do have the patience to wait until 29th of August. XD
Theres also the issue that most people who are familiar with it here, first encountered it on fansub, not the just-out DVDs.

Gilgamesh was a show that actually really annoyed me - it just seemed really pretentious. Its not often that an anime show can induce such an irrational negative reaction like that in me. (Avenger did it too, wierd). Its got its fans and all, but I can say that after a certain point it was a chore to even get as far as episode 3. The opening episode was interesting, but after that a chunk of the budget disappeared, and then I think the posturing by a bunch of the characters really got to annoy me, and I couldn't care about any of them.
Well if you put it that way, pretty much any anime comes out on fansub so wouldn't that be the case for any series? I hope Gilgamesh doesn't bore me as much as it bored you, I mean I found it quite interesting and the episodes were pretty good but the battles bored me personally. I'm still barely getting my head around the whole mutating enemies thing.
As I said, it wasn't a rational response. You obviously got past my point and saw the entire DVD. I couldn't even make it that far.

Anime rarely invokes that kind of response in me - its ususally along the lines of somethign doesn't interest me or grab me, but its rare for something to outright annoy me like that. Maybe its just the whole cast of metro posers.

Also the fansub comment was more directed along the lines that Gilgamesh didn't seem to garner any response from the UK scene when it was licensed, and nobody that I saw around was importing DVDs. A lot of anime from the same period were having their US DVDs imported.

Not everything gets fansubbed, not by a long stretch. Many projects frequently stall and die an early death. Popular shows can be targeted by multiple groups and eventually completed, but you don't often get to see much of a new fansubbed series, and its a bit of a lottery as to what goes the distance.
Personally I just hope that the second volumes battle scenes are alot more interesting because that was really my main complaint about Gilgamesh personally. I mean seriously, I found the battles in Pokemon/YuGiOh more gripping than that crap.
Just finished volume 4 of the region 1 Gilgamesh personaly i think this is an excellent series. An intellegent story and dark setting and while some might not like the character designs I feel they suit the mood of the series. If your buying the UK release you might want to stick with it as there are plenty of new twists and developments to come.
I think the character designs are interesting, but what do you think of the battle scenes because I found them very boring and usually lost interest when a fight started.
Hi, yeh I agree that most of the fight scenes aren't that special and after finishing off this series over the weekend the slightly confusing and gloomy ending (you have to keep watching after the end credits have finished) has left me undecided as to rate Gilgamesh excellent or poor. It's definatly one of those animes people either love or hate.
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What has me interested is the story and the actual legend itself, I want to see how things unfold. The fight scenes are just there for me to stare at the screen and wonder where all the fun went all of a sudden. Where as with a series like Otogi Zoshi I actually looked forward to the next battle, as they were pretty interesting.
Dense question but what kind of anime is Gilgamesh most similar too?

I've heard plenty of good words said about it but am curious to know what its most like?

Sorry for the thread necromany but just finished the series and wanted to talk about it. And in answer to Hovis' question think... Eva without giant death robots. Is a nice little supernatual drama, but as always (seemingly) let down ish by the ending. The ending wasn't bad as such, just lead nowhere. A few minor tweaks and the after taste wouldn't have been as empty. As for the battles didn't pay them much attention.
I actually really enjoyed Gilgamesh. Alright the action isn't great but this is about the drama, the mystery. It is a very plot driven anime, just how I like it.

I liked the ending. My interpretation of it was to create a new world without the flaws of mankinds past. It did make sense to me.

Looks to be underrated like most of the anime I watch!
I saw a bit of Gilgamesh a while back. I really liked the bizzare style, but just about every other aspect of the show left me cold. It reminded me of Ergo Proxy in that respect, beyong the visuals it didn't really hold my interest.

Perhaps I'll look into it again some time though, as I may have misjudged it.
jonboy said:
I liked the ending. My interpretation of it was to create a new world without the flaws of mankinds past. It did make sense to me.
Except for the part right at the end (after credits) where kiyoko was shown to have stabbed her child, the hybrid child who was to create this new world, to death with the tuning fork. Meaning teh world was truely dead. No perfect new world free from the sins of the past.
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I saw a few episodes of this on some random music channel on Sky a little while back. Truth be told, I think the character designs are awful and whole thing looks quite boring. Didn't really interest me, and it was a little confusing (Yeah, I know it's to be expected from seeing random parts, but it put me off nonetheless).
hopeful_monster said:
jonboy said:
I liked the ending. My interpretation of it was to create a new world without the flaws of mankinds past. It did make sense to me.
Except for the part right at the end (after credits) where kiyoko was shown to have stabbed her child, the hybrid child who was to create this new world, to death with the tuning fork. Meaning teh world was truely dead. No perfect new world free from the sins of the past.

Ah, I forgot about that bit. Just watched the ending again to remind me.

I still think the ending is a good thought provoking one though. They could have gone all hollywood with a happy ever after ending but that is what I don't like.
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It's slow, boring and up its own ****. The fights are laughably bad due to the low budget; there's never any movement.

The extras make me laugh since the voice acting cast talk about how deep and dark Gilgamesh a dark room with candles to set the mood. I didn't know what was worse; an amateur American voice acting cast all saying the same things (deep, dark, etc) in an attempt to make the series sound better than it actually is or watching the dull episodes.
Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
I saw a few episodes of this on some random music channel on Sky a little while back. Truth be told, I think the character designs are awful and whole thing looks quite boring. Didn't really interest me, and it was a little confusing (Yeah, I know it's to be expected from seeing random parts, but it put me off nonetheless).

What is it you don't like about the character designs? Gothic?

It is true that it starts slow but when it gets into its stride it becomes much better. There is much worse, less original stuff out there.