Genshiken - Season 2


Genshiken Series 2

Its finally here, just watched the first episode and it felt like I was meeting up with old friends, the series picks up a few months after the events of the first series of Genshiken with the club being accepted into the comic festival as doujinshi publishers.

The characters haven't changed a bit, the animation quality is vastly cleaner than that of the previous series although i found it looking a bit too clean and lacked the texture that the first season had.

The girls are still teasing Ogie about who she has a crush on and Ohno is once again trying to get everyone to cosplay.

The story is sticking very closely to the manga plot which I like and I really can't wait to see more of this new series
I'm so tempted to watch it. I've seen/read no Genshiken before, Hence I'm holding out till I get around to getting a hold of the anime and OVA.

Argh, I hope its a good'en.