Gamer Entitlement, One Year Later

Invisible Crane

So it's been just about a year since the Mass Effect 3 ending controversy and the gamer entitlement thing that came out of it when an IGN employee did a video about how the people who wanted Bioware to change the ending were "entitled"...spoiled crybabies if you ask me. But yeah a lot of people freaked out over this claiming that IGN was wrong and that they were just defending EA/Bioware. But honestly since then I've noticed that there is a lot of **** being thrown at the companies by gamers. Granted I do understand some of the reasons (The Sim City reboot for example), but I get the impression that gamers are never happy with anything anymore.

Was IGN right all along?, because I find myself being more split apart from the gaming community that ever before, just to get away from all the bitching and moaning.
ilmaestro said:
Invisible Crane said:
Was IGN right all along?
Yup. Might have been the first time ever.
I agree. Back in the day, if we didn't like something about a game, we just shrugged, maybe went "meh", and carried on, because the game was what it was and nothing was going to change it.

I think this problem is more prevalent in PC gaming than console gaming.
I'm inclined to agree, despite my dislike for IGN, there is a lot of people thinking they are "privileged" but they should keep in mind, it is the development teams creation, so it is down to them what they do with it. However if we wanted to discuss Mass Effect 3, the ending and how it wasn't fit by gamers standards, just keep in mind that it would never have happened if the original ending wasn't originally leaked, so the whole reason this happened was because of that. The one we got at launch was apparently a rehash thought up by casey and one other person(i forget his name). There is some rumours still floating about around that, but that's a little off topic.

I feel i could bring up Dead Space 3 and from what i hear, the true ending is thrown onto $10 DLC, and then SimCity to defend gamers rage, but i feel after everything recently, there isn't any real need to cover them, it's been done at length already.
I don't think anybody has the right to be pissed off at a storyline not progressing / concluding in the way they wanted it to. That is supremely entitled and incredibly childish - What do these people do when they go to see films or read books they were disappointed with? Do they demand the writer release a new alerted version where things work out the way they wanted? No, they just write terrible fanfiction, but obviously some people are too lazy to even do that.

However, in terms of software being poorly implemented or an actual hindrance to people's enjoyment of a game (SimCity specifically and EA's Origin platform in general) I think they have every right to demand something be done. It's all well and good for developers / publishers to say how they intended a game to work, but when it doesn't actually work that way then it should be rectified. My major problem with ME3 is not the ending but rather the fact that I still can't install it because of a fault with Origin which has been known about for over a year and not fixed.
If companies weren't so enrapt by their focus groups, Facebook followers, Twitter feeds and God knows what else then self entitled gamers would be duly mocked and gaming would be a better place for it. Instead we've got an increasingly vocal minority managing to exert more and more control over the direction series are going and they're ending up poorer as a result. Stories are no longer the vision of the writer, they're now the writer's flash cards and actually written by "fans".

Imagine Bioshock Infinite if Ken Levine allowed COD fans to dictate the direction. Try not to have nightmares after thinking about that.
I can see where people are coming from with the Mass Effect 3 ending, it does seem really cheap the way they went around doing it. But yeah, for the most part I think these entitled gamers are really just finding excuses to moan about something.
Some people are just miserable bastards who's only kick out of life is to moan at what others have done and never truly contribute themselves, you'll never please everyone.

But i do see the argument that if a series has such a great storyline, it makes little sense to ruin it all on a scapegoat - un-thought out ending, true its at the developers discretion but surely if you have a whole department who are creating a masterpiece game, every one of them will agree that it has to have a spectacular ending OR a cliff hanger (depends on if its a single game with no sequel in the pipework/series finale OR the start of a series)

For gamers to moan about the ending they didnt get is a fair enough reasoning, but from what Arby has said WRT mass effect 3 the fans spoilt it themselves by a leak.

Personally i dont quite know where i'm standing on this one, one half of me is saying "to have a ending thats sub standard to the rest of the series spoils things for the gamer" and the other half is saying "but if i was truly that bothered about it, to the point that it actually annoyed me.... i'd use that energy to create my own game and strive to make it better than the game that originally annoyed me"
Arbalest said:
I feel i could bring up Dead Space 3 and from what i hear, the true ending is thrown onto $10 DLC

Wait what!?!...wait it's an EA game so I guess I should not be surprised. But didn't the same thing happen with Asura's Wrath (different publisher I know but I heard the same thing happened)
Invisible Crane said:
Arbalest said:
I feel i could bring up Dead Space 3 and from what i hear, the true ending is thrown onto $10 DLC

Wait what!?!...wait it's an EA game so I guess I should not be surprised. But didn't the same thing happen with Asura's Wrath (different publisher I know but I heard the same thing happened)

Basically, EA put the ending that caused rage with everyone as the original ending for the game. Then no more than a month? after, they released a DLC continuation past it which was rather short, fairly uninteresting and gives the actual ending to the game. If i was to really guess, they did it purely as a money making idea. As if the microtransactions in the game weren't enough. There seems to be an issue with EA, and the 3rd installments in games which incites rage amongst gamers and gaming media(or at least destructoid and RPS).