Funimation license Crayon Shin-Chan


Stand User
According to ANN, it has been announced via their parent company Navarre that Funimation have licensed Crayon Shin-Chan. The 400+ episode series is set to launch sometime in 2007. UK cable and satellite television channel Jetix has previously aired episodes of the anime in this country.
Wow, i never knew there was so much of it. I liked it, it was funny, though i'm not sure it would be something i would want to buy, still i'd like to more than the handfull of re-run episodes i saw on Jetix
It's kind of surprising they would go for this licence given the recent report into which parts of the company are failing, one of the major sections being that aimed at the 12-and-under market. The more mainstream over 12 bracket of anime is the strongest performer and the one on which they will be concentrating on for this year. A distinctly odd choice but there could be a market for it even if it doesn't appeal to me.