Fullmetal Alchemist DS video game coming out in August


Ghost of Animes
It has been recently announced that "Fullmetal Alchemist: Dual Sympathy" will be <a href="http://www.play.com/Product.aspx?r=DS&searchstring=Full+metal+Alchemist&title=3354940&pa=&searchsource=0">released</a> on the Nintendo DS in the UK (and through-out the rest of Europe) in August. <a href="http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=78006">Have a peek at the graphics over at Eurogamer</a>.

Dual Sympathy will be quickly followed up in the UK by the DVD release of "Full Metal Alchemist: The Movie - Conqueror of Shamballa" on Mon, 17th Sep (courtesy of Revelation Films).
YES! This news has just made my day! I've wanted to play Dual Sympathy for ages. I even considered importing it a while ago. The anime related games situation is so bad over here. In america they got FMA PS2 games as well. That really annoyed me.
To all these people who are excited about the FMA game, I have the import version since Xmas, and here are my views.

Dual Sympathy is mediocre, even for a FMA fan like me. There are only one attack button and one jump button, which really tires out the battle really quick. The alchemy is also okay, but not really great either. You can complete the whole story in just three hours. THREE HOURS!

And the only thing you unlock is other characters to try out and replay the whole game again, wowee. It will only attract fans because of the original voiceover instead of some imitations, and you get a alarm clock with the characters waking you up.

This get a 4/10 in my opinion, I hope the sequel actually improves some qualities over the original (as I hear there was gonna be a sequel at some point)
I am a fan of Fullmetal Alchemist as well so I had imported this game too but was disappointed because it was not all that because the game last for couple of hours compared to pheonix wright which took me days. There is no multiplayer, just a button basher, storylines are way to rushed in this game, but the graphics are dcent and so is the sound so I would give this 5/5.

Here is some advice if you want to see an anime game on the ds I suggest you import bleach ds 2nd from japan because it is so much better than this game.
I think everyone knows this game is utter crap, but I'll still, most likely, be buying it. Simply because I love FMA more than life itself and ever since the series ended, I've just wanted more! :D
My freind has this game and if truth be told it's a let down. It's too short and there isn't too much to do. It would be much better if they included the openings as an extra.
I got it last year...it's not fantastic, but it's certainly not "utter crap". It's a nice simple little Double Dragon-style game, and the graphics are quite decent too. There's also some kinda fun (but very basic) minigames to unlock.

Not a very big (or hard) game to be honest, but I'd definitely recommend it if you're a fan.

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