Free 3DS Games - Which one did you choose?


Great Teacher
So recently Nintendo have had this thing going where if you buy and register a 3DS XL before January 15th, you get a free game. You can choose from: Mario 3D Land, Layton Miracle Mask, Style Boutique, Art Academy and Freakyforms Deluxe.

Codes won't be sent til January 1st but if you've reg'd your XL already, the game is chooseable now.

I've got no idea which one I want. I don't own any of them so for me I think it's a choice between Mario or Layton.

What about you 3DS people? ... msENG.html
If you've registered your 3ds xl already, this is how I did it.

*Sign in to club nintendo
*Go to 'my account'
*There's a little banner thing (there's an arrow to the right of it) click that until you see the banner for the promotion. If it's not showing up, try a different browser

Shame it doesn't end 5 days after, as I could have asked for the Pikachu XL for my birthday and got a free game. I would have chose Professor Layton.
I chose to go with Mario 3D Land.

I've got no idea if I would enjoy Layton as i've not played any of the games before. Technically getting the game for free would make it a good opportunity for me to try it out. Then if I don't like it - i've not spent any money on it!

But at the same time i'd rather get a game I know I will play. So I just made my choice and went with Mario. Just need to wait for January now!
Purchased my 3DS XL yesterday so im ready for when the new pokemon game comes out! Also the fact that I got Mario Kart 7 and this free game.

I chose Mario 3D as its the only title that really interested me, gonna try layton on my cousins though and see if I enjoy it.
Taylor said:
Purchased my 3DS XL yesterday so im ready for when the new pokemon game comes out! Also the fact that I got Mario Kart 7 and this free game.
Did you buy it from Play? £142 for an XL with MK7 and a free game, AND with Fire Emblem on the horizon, was too good a deal to pass up. I got my download code for Mario 3D Land on Wednesday, a day after registering the console.
fabricatedlunatic said:
Taylor said:
Purchased my 3DS XL yesterday so im ready for when the new pokemon game comes out! Also the fact that I got Mario Kart 7 and this free game.
Did you buy it from Play? £142 for an XL with MK7 and a free game, AND with Fire Emblem on the horizon, was too good a deal to pass up. I got my download code for Mario 3D Land on Wednesday, a day after registering the console.

Got mine from Game. £170 with MK7. Still waiting for my download code to come through :(

If anyone would like to add me my FC is 4785-4583-8486
I've been looking at a 3DS for when Pokemon comes out too, that's the only reason I want one. When i saw the Pikachu one I fell in love, I need to remind myself to save and not just splurge and get it straight away.
I will be good.... :(