Four clips of Samurai Champloo; collection release in Sept.


Ghost of Animes
To help promote the 10th September release of MVM's Samurai Champloo box set, four exciting clips (URLs below) have been published online for your streaming pleasure. If hip-hop inspired samurai antics are your thing or if you're interested in seeing the most recent TV series from Cowboy Bebop director Shinichiro Watanabe, Samurai Champloo should be considered well worth a look. Also, you can see the box set cover art in <a href="">MVM's official press release</a>.
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As usual, no information on what form the box takes... Is this thinpak? Full sized? How's the bandana going to be packaged...?

From the looks of it, the bandana is the same that came with the two year old release of the R1 Volume 1 + artbox... which is pretty damn amazing.
What is going on here!? The UK getting good stuff!?
I've just spoken to Tony @ MVM about the box set and he had to following to say:

There is only one edition - that is with the bandana.
It is limited to 3,000.
If we reprint the box set it would not have a bandana with it - it costs a fortune!

The box set will be thin pack with all 7 discs.
The rigid slip case will be the size of 8 thinpacks. The space of the 8th being taken by the folded bandana.

He also had the following question of his own:

I'm intrigued by peoples interest in the box sizes.
Do you get the impression they are OK with thin pack or that they would prefer full chunky size?

Please give some feedback on what you think to box sizes guys :) it's a nice chance to let the distro's know what you want!
MTW said:
Whatever keeps the cost down so that would be thin packs are cheaper right?
Not necessarily. Sometimes boxed sets are made up of left over standard DVDs rather than whole new reprints; a way of clearing unsold back-catalogue stuff. Besides that the thinpak would have to have slightly different packaging designed and printed, which is a slight increase in cost whereas the existing DVDs are already designed and ready to go. The actual difference in producing thinpak to full size DVD due to difference in size and materials is liable to be so negligible that it is non-existant.
I should have waited for the box set really but I ended up buying all the seperate volumes when they all came out. Never mind ::sigh::
Fellistowe said:
I've just spoken to Tony @ MVM about the box set and he had to following to say:

There is only one edition - that is with the bandana.
It is limited to 3,000.
If we reprint the box set it would not have a bandana with it - it costs a fortune!

The box set will be thin pack with all 7 discs.
The rigid slip case will be the size of 8 thinpacks. The space of the 8th being taken by the folded bandana.

He also had the following question of his own:

I'm intrigued by peoples interest in the box sizes.
Do you get the impression they are OK with thin pack or that they would prefer full chunky size?

Please give some feedback on what you think to box sizes guys :) it's a nice chance to let the distro's know what you want!

I can't believe we actually have contact with someone from the industry for once. This is quite something. I wish we got this information without having to e-mail about it, for all releases, MVM are coming out with loads of new relases now and this one is just top notch, kudos to MVM.
I'm going to buy this over the R1 for sure.

EDIT: Money please!

EDIT 2: Oh, and by the way Fellistowe. You seem to be one of the few people to have good contact with MVM, and they asked you this question, that I guess you'll reply to, do you think you could add in there an invitation to join these forums? It'd be a first proper representitive. This industry needs more communication with fans from the industry for sure.
Thanks if you do : )